Blue Lantern

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Name: Holly Cross

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Birthplace: Coast City

Affiliations: Blue Lantern Corps, Green Lantern Corps, the Team

Relatives: Classified

Biographic data (relevant intel): Holly used to be your regular high school girl. She kept to herself and focused on her studies.
That all changed when she was chosen by a Blue Lantern ring. The ring transported her to the home world of the Blue Lantern Corps, where she took the oath and became the first ever human Blue Lantern.
However, she didn't have time to properly learn how to use her ring from her fellow Blue Lanterns. Instead, she was taught by the Blue Lanterns' closest allies, the Green Lanterns. In particular, the two human Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Steward.
Together with the two of them, Holly fights to protect this sector of the universe.

Abilities: As a Blue Lantern, Holly's powers are equal to those of a Green Lantern. Similarly to a Green Lantern ring, her ring works on concentration, allowing her to summon as many constructs as her imagination allows. However, rather than willpower, her ring is instead powered by hope.

Psychological analysis: Holly is a very cheerful girl. Her friendly and upbeat attitude tends to brighten any room she enters and strengthens her bonds with her teammates. She has also displayed a surprising level of maturity when dealing with League members with darker pasts, acknowledging their trauma while simultaneously making an effort to help them overcome their darkness. This does mean that she has a slight problem when it comes to negotiations though, as she finds it difficult to fully understand the point of view of her opponents.
She has a talent for drawing, indicating a very creative mind. A good trait to find in a Lantern.
She has also developed an admirable determination to never give up. This probably stems from her role as a Blue Lantern, seeing as her powers are directly tied to her hope. It is as they say: hope is the last to die.

Contingency plan: Holly's creativity and hopefulness are her greatest advantages. While it is extremely unlikely that she would ever turn rogue, if she does, the best option is to send the Green Lantern John Steward to either negotiate or contain her, as he not only shares a bond with her but is also capable of matching her powers.
In the unfortunate case of a necessity for violence, the best option is to break her hope, thereby removing her powers. To achieve this a psychic assault would be preferable, making someone like Martian Manhunter the best option to deal with her.
I hope we never have to resort to such measures.

Transmission over.

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