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Name: Nadia Garrick

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Green

Birthplace: Central City

Affiliations: Team Flash, the Team

Relatives: Jay and Joan Garrick (grandfather and grandmother), Lucy Garrick (mother), Liam Garrick (father, deceased)

Biographic data (relevant intel): Nadia's powers came as a surprise to her mother, seeing as her late father, the son of Jay Garrick, had never shown any signs of an active meta-gene. Fortunately, Lucy had maintained contact with her in-laws, who in turn had contact with Barry Allen, the current flash.
Nadia was quickly placed under his wing and began her training at thirteen.
Together with Flash and his most recent protege, Kid Flash, Nadia has helped keep Central City safe as Velocity.

Abilities: Nadia's abilities correspond to those of a regular speedster. These include superhuman speed as well as accelerated healing, nervous system activity and metabolism. Additionally, her grandfather taught her a special technique: throwing lightning. She is still very inexperienced with it though, and uses it only on very seldom occasions. She has also not developed the ability to phase through objects.

Psychological analysis: Nadia is a very energetic girl. She has shown signs of hyperactivity, often being incapable of sitting still for long periods of time. This is probably due to the accelerated way in which she perceives the world.
Nadia seems to occasionally rely too much on her speed, possibly due to it being an ability she's possessed since birth.
She has a playful attitude, cracking jokes quite often. This usually means she can be either funny or annoying, depending on her company.
She has also developed a strong friendship with Kid Flash, the two often teaming up on missions.
Additionally, Nadia has demonstrated a considerable knowledge on several scientific fields, particularly the field of physics.

Contingency plan: Nadia has always had a good relationship with the Justice League, so it is unlikely that she would turn against it. However, should this happen, her mentor, the Flash, should be the one sent to reason with her, as she has always valued his opinion and advice.
Should violent action be required, any good strategist or experienced fighter is suitable for the job, seeing as Nadia's close combat skills leave something to be desired.

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