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Name: Luke Marshall

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Birthplace: Gotham City

Affiliations: Team Bat, the Team

Relatives: Vincent and Hannah Marshall (father and mother, missing)

Biographic data (relevant intel): Luke is one of the League members with one of the most traumatic pasts. His father, Vincent Marshall, was a knife thrower with Haly's Circus and his mother, Hannah Marshall, was an acrobat. Luke became known for a double act, performing the most complicated knife throws with undeniable style. His closest friend at the circus was the young Richard "Dick" Grayson.
Unfortunately, the two parted ways after the accident that killed Dick Grayson's parents.
Luke stayed with the circus for a few more months, until a man came to take him away. He accepted, thinking the man would take him to see his friend, Dick Grayson.
But the man was not the same one. This man was one of the men in charge of recruitment for Carmine Falcone, and he was looking for new members. Luke was plunged into the underworld of Gotham's organized crime. He began undertaking many different types of jobs for the Falcone's gang, ranging from courier like deliveries to full on heists.
Luckily, he eventually ran into his old friend, Dick Grayson, known at the time as Robin. Dick managed to convince him to abandon Falcone's gang. Of course, Falcone wasn't happy about that, but I was determined to put an end to his exploitation of Luke.
Not long after, Luke started taking an interest in our crime fighting work, probably wanting to correct his past mistakes. I wasn't too sure at first, but I have to admit, he proved himself capable of doing this. I'm proud to report that he now fights alongside us as Osprey.

Abilities: When I agreed to take him in, I made sure Luke would be able to keep up with my team on the field. He is very experienced in stealth and vanishing techniques. He is also a highly skilled combatant, able to keep up with some of the League's most experienced fighters. His training as a circus performer has also granted him a high level of accuracy with his throwing knives, now renamed "raptor feathers". In addition, Nightwing and I have helped him develop several gadgets to assist him in the field.

Psychological analysis: Luke has a heavy conscience due to his past as a criminal. His actions are motivated by a strong desire for redemption as well as acceptance by other League members. However, this same past has given him a vast knowledge of the city and several connections in the world of organized crime, which have proven to be very valuable assets. Luke has shown himself to be very capable of coordinating with others during a mission. He tends to maintain a serious demeanor, though the presence of his friends makes him somewhat more joyful. His best friend still remains Dick Grayson, the two having fine tuned their styles to work as a near unbeatable team. Additionally, he seems to have developed a strong connection with Lydia Rooke, the two perhaps bonding over similarly difficult pasts.
Unfortunately, his former criminal record has led other members of the League who are less tolerant of criminals to look at him with distrust. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have a word with them.

Contingency plan: Luke has proven to be on par both physically and mentally with several of the League's members. As such, in case of betrayal, the best response would be negotiation. Ideal candidates would be Nightwing or Blue Arrow, as both have a strong bond with him.
Should violence be required though, I'm afraid it would take a relatively large amount of force to subdue him. Should that solution be unsuccessful, I believe a modified version of my own contingency plan would be the only option.
I hope it never comes to that.

Transmission over.

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