Blue Arrow

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Name: Lydia Rooke

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Brown

Birthplace: Star City

Affiliations: Team Arrow, the Team

Relatives: Marcus and Filipa Rooke (mother and father, deceased)

Biographic data (relevant intel): Lydia Rooke has had a difficult life. Living in the Glades, the borough of Star City known for its frequent criminal activity, her family never had much money. Despite this, her parents, her father an army doctor now working in a public hospital and her mother a nurse at the same hospital, worked hard to give her the best childhood possible.
And one day, after saving money for nearly five years, they managed to give their daughter the vacation they had always promised: a trip to Japan. Unfortunately, the plane was caught in a storm and crashed on an island off the coast of the North China Sea. Lydia was the sole survivor.
She was lucky enough to come across the recently shipwrecked millionaire Oliver Queen, who took her in and showed her how to survive. Together, the two dismantled an illegal drug operation that enslaved the natives as workers.
The two returned to Star City, where Oliver Queen decided to take her in. She continues to operate alongside her mentor, the Green Arrow, under the alias Blue Arrow.

Abilities: Having been trained by the Green Arrow, Lydia Rooke is a master archer. She perfected the art of guerrilla warfare in the jungles of the island and is an expert in covert operations. She possesses a wide array of trick-arrows with which she is able to manipulate the battle in her favor. Additionally, she has also received training in hand to hand combat by Black Canary.

Psychological analysis: Lydia Rooke is a resourceful person, trained to adapt to nearly any situation. Her time spent on the island caused her to develop a nearly unbreakable will to survive. She has developed a strong bond with Green Arrow and Black Canary, who she views as a father and mother figure respectively. Though she is not their legal daughter, it is common for her to be perceived as such. Her actions on the field are characterized by a strong strategical awareness, her training directing her to the identification of patterns and weak spots in her opponent. Her attitude towards her teammates tends to be lighthearted and humorous, though this may indicate some sort of underlying trauma.

Contingency plan: Considering her attachment to several members, it is very unlikely that Lydia would turn on the Justice League.
However, should that ever happen, those attachments are the best way to bring her down. If she goes rogue, the best option is to either send Green Arrow or Black Canary to reason with her or use them as a bargaining chip for her surrender. However, should violent action be required, the best option is to close the distance and minimize her ranged combat advantage. Additionally, a League Member with experience in gadgets or thick armor is preferable.

Transmission over.

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