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Wow. Just wow. "Bro. I'm proud of you." Damian said as he pats my back. "You really fall hard." He continued. "How do you say?" I tried saying it seriously but my smile couldn't hide itself. " Look at yourself." He said. I looked at the car's mirror and gosh, I am blushing hard. I groaned in embarrassment. Bruh... I don't what to do now. After the confession, things got quite awkward, especially when we got back yo the place we were sitting. I saw Yumi blushing hard. I'll admit when her brother started asking us questions. Damn, I thought that if I confessed my feelings, I'll be able to calm down but heck... It has gotten worse. Now I want to see her badly. I was just freaking with her a while ago and I already miss her. "Would you stop smiling? Your creeping the heck out of me." Damian said. I then remembered something and looked at him with an demonic smile. "I'll stop when you probably would stop blushing for Mackenzie." I teased and he looked at me with wide eyes. " W-what are talking about?" "Stuttering huh? Sorry bro, but you are caught red handed." He glared as I started laughing over his reaction. "But seriously? You like her?" I asked again. " Would you believe me if I deny it?" I started shouting and chanting looking like a complete idiot. "Who's the tomato now?" I said in between my laughs.

We arrived home and Damian said he would go home. I insisted for him to go inside but he said his mom already called him. "Hey bro." When would this girl stop being annoying? " How's your date?" I smacked her head and she continued laughing. "Sweetie... You might be hungry. There's some food there. Just grab what you want." Mom said as she continues chatting with my aunties. I placed down all my things on the table and headed to the dining table to grab some food.

"Hello!!" Who is Niana talking to now? She's such a megaphone. "I'm Niana, Neoh's little sister." Is she talking to a stranger? Does she really need to do an introduction? "You must be Yumi. Did you know that my brother liked you so much. And by the way, the dress you picked was beautiful. Good thing you helped my brother pick or else I'll look like a dead rat at the party?" Oh, she's talking to Yumi. WAIT! YUMI?! Don't tell me... HECK NO!!! "Hey... Who told you to use my phone?" I said as I snatched my phone back. "It ringed so I answered it." I rolled my eyes on her. " This is not a telephone for you to just answer it. You should have just gave it to me." I told her but she kept on smiling. I was stopped when I heard some cute chuckles. I realized that the call was still on. "I just wanted to thank her. Now stop scolding me. Your girlfriend is probably waiting for you waiting for you." She said and ran upstairs. I put the phone in my ear. "Uhmm... Hello?" "Oh, hello." Wahhhhh. Just her voice is melting me already. I headed to the garden where it is more secluded. "Sorry for what happened a while ago. My sister is just way too nosy in my things." She chuckled again. My poor heartu. Somebody help me. "It's fine... It was nice talking to her." I laughed and said "You were just able to say that because you aren't with her everyday." "Guess she's like my brother. Such a megaphone." We both laughed at the similarities of our siblings.

"Hey... Uhm... I actually called for a certain cause..." She said. "Sure, what is it about?" I said. "Well... It was about... What happened a while ago." I blushed knowing that she wanted to talk about it. "Uhhh... Errr.... I don't r-really know where to start. " She said. Cute I thought. "Are you free tomorrow?" I asked. Wow. Where did I get this confidence? "What?! I mean uhh... Sure... I guess?" I chuckled. "Let's talk about it tomorrow. It'd be better if talk about it face to face." It was silent for a while. "You mean later?" She said and laughed. "Yeah yeah. Stop embarrassing me." "Awwww are you shy?" She continued laughing. Doesn't it feel good? When you are the reason the person you love is happy. "Is it ok if I fetch you?" I asked. "Well, if you want to, sure." She said. I smiled unconsciously looking like creep. "I'll just send you the address." I nodded but realized that we are not on a video call.

"Uhmm... Well.. I have to go now. My brother is demanding me again." I laughed and responded. "Sure. Good night. I mean good morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Sweet dreams baby girl." The other line was silent. I went through the words I said and realized that I called her baby girl! "Thanks. Merry Christmas too! And good morning!!" She said and chuckled afterwards. "Well see you tomorrow. And by the way, Let's eat lunch together ok?" She chuckled cutely and agreed. "Bye!" We both said and ended the call.

She did not complain with what I said. I feel my heart pounding fast. I called her baby girl and she seemed fine with it. Does this mean that I have a chance? Wahhhhhhhhhh . "You ok?" I was startled when the megaphone suddenly came out of nowhere. "What exactly are you for to just pop out of nowhere. Aishhh such a fungi." I said with a disgusted face and still holding my laughter. " Did you just called me a fungi?" My laughter was about to burst out but I kept on holding in. "Actually, not a fungi but a fungus. A megaphone fungus." I burst out in laughter as I saw her reaction. She ran after me throwing whatever she saw.  
"Hold up... Hold up... Hold up." I said and raised my arms. My phone vibrated and it was from Yumi. "Who is it?" She asked curiously and sat beside me on the couch. I shushed her and answered the call.

"Hello?" I smiled as soon as I heard her voice. "Hey..." I can't help but to smile but this stupid fungus beside me is getting on my way. "Well... About tomorrow's lunch..." She paused. Don't tell me she'll cancel it. "Is it ok if we rearrange it for breakfast?" Phew. I thought she'll cancel it. "Why though? Are you that excited to see me?" I teased and she started laughing. "Guess your getting comfortable on teasing me." I chuckled and agreed. "You liked it though." She was silent but then her chuckles followed. "So... Is it ok?" I hummed in response. "But seriously... Why did you want to move it?" I asked. "No one was home. Mackenzie is out with her family. My brother met his friends and my parents went on a date. I felt kind of alone so  I want at least some company." "Your still alone now?" I asked. I shoo-ed my sister away for she is annoying me badly. "Yep. They all went away a while ago." I suddenly felt the need to accompany her. "Don't even try to insist on accompanying me. I am used to being alone but I kind of felt the need to talk to someone urgently." "Are you a mind reader?" I asked with some funny sounding tone. "Why? Want me to read your mind?" I laughed and dared her. " Then do so. I bet you won't b-...." "Your thinking about me." She said sternly and I was frozen. Am too obvious? I then heard some laughs. "That was a good one I guess. That got you hard didn't it?" I just laughed and she did the same too.

"Now your adapting with my habits."
"Take that as a sign."
"Should I be scared?"
We laughed agin by our silliness. "Guess we have a good chemistry eh?" I said and she went silent. Is she always like this? "Sorry... I failed my chemistry class so its impossible for that to be it." I can't help but to burst out laughing again. "Heyy..." I said faintly. "You should sleep now." She went silent. AGAIN. "Ok..." She said shortly. "Bye now... I guess?" She added. "Uhmm yeah bye..." And with that she hunged the phone. I then looked around and saw my sister shaking her head. I looked at her and she just looked at me. I then realized what she was talking about and let out a sigh. "That was a bad move isn't it?" She nodded and sat beside me then patted my back. "Do not cut of your talk unless she was the one who suggested it. She probably still have some things to tell you but didn't get the chance to."

"We're meeting up tomorrow. We'll continue it there." She squealed and I instantly covered my ears. "What's with all the noise?" Mom suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Guess what mom. Neoh is going on a date. With Yumi!" I face palmed myself. "It's not a date you fungus." I said and my mom looked at me with a teasing smile. "Ayyy my son is growing up now." Dad suddenly popped out.  Now I know where my sister fungus get her genes from. "Ok ok that's enough I'm going now. Merry Christmas." I said and ran back to my room. I did all my night routines and tuck myself in bed.

I AM EXCITED FOR TOMORROW. I CAN NOT SLEEP. HELP ME HELP SOMEBODY STOP ME. No. Neoh. You have to sleep. You might look haggard when you meet her. Yeah. That's right. Take a rest so you'll look glowing tomorrow. Ok. Lets do  that. Ok. ..... See you girl.

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