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It's already new years eve. Yael managed to persuade Yumi that it was all a prank and that he hd agreed over her's and Neoh's relationship. And now both will be celebrating New year together. And oh, Yumi spilled the beans to her beloved boyfriend causing him to continuously teasing Damian to Mackenzie. What can they say? The two were already obvious enough to deny their feelings for each other.

"Uhmm... Nope. You are not using those freaking fireworks." Yumi said to her brother. "I am old enough to decide for myself." Her brother mocked her with her own words. She just scoffed to him and went away. "Hey..." Yumi said as she saw Neoh looking at the shore. They are at the park since there were banquets and random vendors selling fireworks. "Have you seen Mackenzie?" I asked as I hugged him. "Where do you think they would be?" He said with a playful smirk. "When would Damian asked her to be his girlfriend? I mean there feelings for each other are enough to conquer and prove their love for each other." He just grinned and placed his arms around me. We were just staring at the enchanting blue ocean when a certain voice echoes through my ears. I looked back to where the sounds are coming from and I cursed myself continuously as I regretted what I have done. "Oh, hey Yumi." He greeted and both me and Neoh turned our heads on him. "Oh uhmm... Hey." I greeted back out of courtesy. "Your alone?" I asked out of the blue and he just scratched his nape. "Yeah..." He said. I have been with him for atleast 3 years and I have known him for sure. "Spill it." I said daring myself talking to the person which ruined my life. "I can never escape you can I?" He said which made me laugh. I suddenly felt something. A felling I never thought I would ever feel. I mean, just look at our situation. I'm with my boyfriend talking to my ex. My freaking ex. I am talking with him but I have not been feeling as awkward as before. I am not feeling the hatred and pain I use to feel when he's around. Am I finally moving on? Have I already let go of the past incidents? "Who is he?" My train of thoughts were interrupted when Neoh whispered on my ears. "You'll know." I said with a smile. "You going somewhere?" I asked him. He was bringing a luggage so I assume he'll be traveling. Maybe going out of town with his girlfriend? Meh. Couldn't care less. "Oh uhmm yeah." He said. He might look like his excited but I could really sense that something is wrong. "Guess your on a hurry." I said and he just looked at me. "Just call me whenever you have a problem. I assume we still can be friends right?" I asked and he looked at me with teary eyes. "Thank you. Thank you for understanding me. I do still hope you forgive after what I have done to you." He said and I chuckled. "By the way, where are you heading to? and where's..." I stopped as I tried o remember his girl's name. "Zia." He said with a bitter smile. Did they... "We did. Partially was not part of the plan. My parents have set me up with an agreement." I looked at him feeling pity. "Was it the same reason?" I asked him and he nodded with his head still looking down. I went close to him and gave him a hug. I  pated his back before pulling back. "You'll be fine. Your Michael, the best of the best." I said with a cheeky smile as I gave him a two thumbs up earning a chuckle from him. We bid our good bye and with that he went away. Finally, after two years of being burried in grief and pain, I'm finally set free. The heavy feeling I was carrying around was n ow gone and I can proceed with my life properly.

I closed my eyes and breathed heavily before turning back. As I looked back, A Neoh with wide eyes greeted me. "So, He was Michael?" He asked. I nodded with a bright smile. "I thought you hate him?" "I used to." I corrected. "I'm proud of you." He said and wrapped his arms around me. I looked at him confused with what he just said. "I'm proud because you have finally accepted the truth. I'm proud because you were able to let all your pain without hurting anyone else. "He said and kissed my forehead. I hugged him back and joined him as we stare at enchanting sunset.

I have realized that love is probably one of the most precious things you could ever feel. Thus it also can give you the pain you could never imagine you would feel. But that's how life is. There are times that we are having fun and there are times that the pain just weighs us down. Remember that no matter how much it hurts, never let it pull you down. You are yourself. You are the one in control. It is up o you whether you'll go with the cruel flow of life. I used to hate Christmas because of this certain incident. I regretted on not celebrating it. I was too immersed about what happened that day that I have forgotten the real reason why we celebrate this season. I now know that even if you are in pain, in Him you will heal. Lat us all celebrate Christmas with love and start a new year with the great things the world had given us. 

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