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Should I call him or not? Errrmm... Should I call? Ahhhhhhhhh. What do I do? Grrrrrrrrr.... My curiosity is killing me right now. Ok. Call him. Right.

"Hello!!" Uhmmm... Why is it a girl? "I'm Niana, Neoh's little sister." Ohhh... Her sister. I thought. Never mind. "You must be Yumi. Did you know that my brother liked you so much. And by the way, the dress you picked was beautiful. Good thing you helped my brother pick or else I'll look like a dead rat at the party?" Ok. What the hell did she just say. So is it really true. Wahhhhhhh. "Hey... Who told you to use my phone?" There it is, the voice I wanted to hear. "It ringed so I answered it." Guess the two siblings are now blabbering. " This is not a telephone for you to just answer it. You should have just gave it to me." This two sounds cute when fighting. Without knowing, I released a chuckle. "I just wanted to thank her. Now stop scolding me. Your girlfriend is probably waiting for you waiting for you." Ooff... What did I just hear?

"Uhmmmm... Hello?" "Oh, hello." Wahhhhh. Just his voice already melted me apart. "Sorry for what happened a while ago. My sister is just way too nosy in my things." I chuckled again. My poor heartu. Somebody help me. "It's fine... It was nice talking to her." I said "You were just able to say that because you aren't with her everyday." "Guess she's like my brother. Such a megaphone." We both laughed at the similarities of our siblings.

"Hey... Uhm... I actually called for a certain cause..." I said. "Sure, what is it about?" He said. "Well... It was about... What happened a while ago." I blushed with the topic I'm trying to bring up. "Uhhh... Errr.... I don't r-really know where to start. " I said. Gosh, this is really embarrassing. "Are you free tomorrow?" He asked. W-wait. Is he asking me out. Oh gosh oh gosh. "What?! I mean uhh... Sure... I guess?" I chuckled. "Let's talk about it tomorrow. It'd be better if talk about it face to face." It was silent for a while. "You mean later?" I said and laughed. "Yeah yeah. Stop embarrassing me." "Awwww are you shy?" I continued laughing. "Is it ok if I fetch you?" He asked. "Well, if you want to, sure." I said. I smiled unconsciously looking like creep. "I'll just send you the address." I said but he did not respond.

"Uhmm... Well.. I have to go now. I. Still have to clean up some messes around the house." He laughed and responded. "Sure. Good night. I mean good morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Sweet dreams baby girl." W-what?! Did he just called me baby girl. Huahhhhhhhhhh. I can feel my cheeks burning right now. HE JUST CALLED ME BABY GIRL. Neoh. What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me. My poor heartu."Thanks. Merry Christmas too! And good morning!!" I said and chuckled afterwards. Kind of still awkward. "Well see you tomorrow. And by the way, Let's eat lunch together ok?" I chuckled and agreed. "Bye!" We both said and ended the call.

I then started cleaning up. I then realized that no one is home. They a went out. I was already used being left by my own but this feels difderent. I felt... Alone. I felt the urge on talking to someone right now. Should I call him again? Yep.

"Hello?" I said waiting for his response. "Hey..." I can't help but to smile as soon as I heard his angelic voice. "Well... About tomorrow's lunch..." I paused. "Is it ok if we rearrange it for breakfast?" "Why though? Are you that excited to see me?" If only you knew... Maybe that was really the reason. Hehe. "Guess your getting comfortable on teasing me." I chuckled and he agreed. "You liked it though." I was silent but then my chuckles followed. "So... Is it ok?" He hummed in response. "But seriously... Why did you want to move it?" He asked. "No one was home. Mackenzie is out with her family. My brother met his friends and my parents went on a date. I felt kind of alone so  I want at least some company." "Your still alone now?" He asked. "Yep. They all went away a while ago." I feel like I know what he is trying to imply. "Don't even try to insist on accompanying me. I am used to being alone but I kind of felt the need to talk to someone urgently." "Are you a mind reader?" He asked with some funny sounding tone. "Why? Want me to read your mind?" I said and he sdared me to do it. " Then do so. I bet you won't b-...." "Your thinking about me." I said sternly. He went silent for a while so I decided to break the ice."That was a good one I guess. That got you hard didn't it?" He just laughed and I did the same too.

"Now your adapting with my habits."
"Take that as a sign."
"Should I be scared?"
We laughed again by our silliness. "Guess we have a good chemistry eh?" He said and I went silent. "Sorry... I failed my chemistry class so its impossible for that to be it." I joked again and he started bursting out once again. "Heyy..." He said faintly. "You should sleep now." I went silent. AGAIN. "Ok..." I said shortly. "Bye now... I guess?" I added. "Uhmm yeah bye..." And with that I hunged the phone.

Am I that boring to talk to? I called him so that I wouldn't feel. That lonely but it seems like he doesn't want to do so. Hayssss... Guess we'll jusy have to meet tomorrow. I'm excited though. Gash. Wahhhh... My poor heartu. Why beating so fast? You cannot die right mow. Wahhhhhhhhhh. I can't. Gash.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I buried my face on the pillow before shouting my heart out. I can't believe it. I am going out with him tomorrow. I ma excited. Ok. Calm down. Breath. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I will go out with him. Ok. I should sleep now. Ok. Good night myself. And Merry Christmas.

My Unexpected Christmas GiftWhere stories live. Discover now