"Yes .... Mating." Alex said also like it was normal. I scowled at him because I new he was enjoying this.

"Maybe we should start of with an more appropriate question?" The Luna asked as she gave me an apologetic look.

"Fine ..... But we will be coming back to that question later." The alpha said.

"I'm looking forward to it." I mumbled in a sarcastic tone. I placed the wine back on the table and picked up my fork suddenly wanting to continue the awkward silence.

"How long have you known you were mates? " asked the Luna giving me a quick glance before turning to Alex. He hesitated a bit before answering the question.

"When it was Minnie's birthday." He said looking down at his hands and then at me.

They all looked at me and I looked at my pasta. "It was my birthday and me and my friend wanted to go out to a club and then I bumped into Alex and well..... we found out we were mates." I said in a mumble while looking at my hands. I was uncomfortable lying to them.

Know body said anything for a while as they all looked at me.

"When do you want to be married, you and Alex ?" The alpha said again like it was normal. I blushed a little and looked down again.

"I haven't really thought about it." I said with all honesty.

"Well we have time now so think about it." I was a little startled at his sudden irritation in his voice. I looked to Alex and he shrugged and carried on eating.

" Well maybe .......in......a.....couple of years?" I said questioning myself.

I looked to Alex to make sure the answer was right. But he was cringing and I guessed I had said something wrong.

"A couple of years !? ...... Do you not love my son?! .......... Do you not want to married him?!" He raised his voice at me and I couldn't help cowering a bit. I looked up to his red face and then back down again.

"We haven't spent much time together and I would like to......"

"So what ... You are mates you are supposed to love each other." I was starting to get annoyed at him now. He can not tell me who I can and can not marry. that is my decision .

" I just wanted a life before I got married." I said gritting my teeth and biting my lip to stop myself from shouting at him.

"Your life is with your mate !" He stated and I couldn't quite understand why he was so angry about me wanting to have a life before marrying.

I stood up so annoyed that my fists were clenched. I stood for a couple of seconds as they all looked shocked at my sudden movement. I stomped over to the door and walked out of the room. I didn't really know were I was going but I was following my scent from when we walked in.

I could tell that Alex had followed me because I could hear him. I burst through the front door and breathed in a deep breath and stood for a second.

I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turned round. Alex stood in front of me a look of guilt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry about that ..... He can get a little irritated when he doesn't get what he wants." He said lifting my chin up so that I was looking at him.

"A little like someone I know ." I said a little laugh in my voice. I was usually a happy person and I did get annoyed a lot ,but I found that punching something is a good way to release it.

He chuckled and looked deep in to my eyes. He was moving closer and I wasn't sure what he was doing until his lips were on mine and my eyes closed. It felt right. It was a soft kiss and it made me feel warm inside. He deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue in to my mouth as I moaned in delight. I didn't object to it because it felt so good. I had never kissed anyone in my life and this was........ amazing.

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