chapter 25

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So I have been in America, and so on the way there I had a lot of writing time So I have written another chapter for my lovely readers!!

Hope you like it XXX


He leaned closer to my neck placing a soft kiss on the spot just above my collar bone and then licked it before sinking his canines in to my neck.

It fucking hurt! That's what I can tell you! It felt like hot fire running through my veins and frying me from the inside out.

When he finally pulled his teeth out, I felt dizzy and sick, but I pushed that aside and focused on getting Alex out of here. I pulled on his hand and lead him out of the cell and up the stairs stumbling from the dizziness, leaving the unconscious guard on the ground .

When we got to the top and burst through the door, the sudden light stung my eyes and it took a while to adjust , I could see a figure at the top of the steps but I couldn't focus on their face yet as tears lined my eyes from the stinging.

Soon the fuzziness faded after i blinked a couple of times and Mark was stood at the top of the stairs in disbelief at what he is seeing. Obviously not expecting me to be able to bust Alex out of the prison at all let alone that quick.

Alex pulled me back , closer to him but I was doing the same to him so we ended up side by side. It was reassuring that Alex was next to me but also a distraction as I was still marveling with the tingles that I had missed returning to my skin.

"Mark! Please help us get out, you are the only one I can count on ! We need to find Silver and get out of hear!" I whispered to him and his eyes changed at the sound of his mates name. At first it was love and adoration, but then when I finished my sentence they glazed over with anger and determination.

"You can not take Silver away from me!" He said stone cold like he didn't know who I was at all.

"No ! I don't want to take her away, I just want to get her to safety and you can go with her at all times just please help us get out!" I rushed frantically listening for any noise of someone coming. But somehow the silence wasn't reassuring at all.

"I can't help you." He looked pained to see that and he flashed down the stairs and stood in front of me." If you become our Luna , you can keep her safe hear!" He smiled reassuringly but I shook my head.

" he doesn't just want me to be his Luna Mark. He wants to rule every pack in England and then probably created and empire! " I shook my head again taking a step back and grabbing Alex's arm before running as fast as I could up the stairs and down the corridors to the kitchen. I could feel Alex's confusion and I felt guilty that I wouldn't be able to explain as I had to get him out so that I can fix this mess.

The kitchen was full off staff looking startled at me but I didn't give them time to react as I was out of the door that connected the kitchen to the back gardens were the bins are.

I pulled him to the woods and kept on going. But I stopped and he soon did the same looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked scanning me for any injury and when he found non his eyes settled back on my face.

"You need to go back to your pack and tell them what is going on, they need to get an army of the surrounding packs and bring them here in a week. I need to stay and get Silver, become the Luna and then kill the Alpha and join our packs together!" I had it all planned I know what I need to do and I am prepared to do what ever it takes.

He looked startled, shocked and he shook his head vigorously. "I can't leave you , not again!" He pleaded with me tugging on my hand but I pulled it away and gave him an apologetic look.

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