chapter 3

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I hope you like this chapter xxx



" SHUT UP!!!!" I screamed at my alarm again while throwing my pillow at it like I do every school morning , its like my morning routine.

This time I actually got up because tomorrow is my birthday and I won't be wanting to get up then or ever as a matter of fact but life must go on either with or without us.

My last day of not having to worry about running in to my mate, who is probably the biggest  douche bag in the world knowing my luck.

I jumped out of bed and stretched hearing a satisfying click of my bones resisting to be straightened . I got dressed and went out for a run because I needed to think about what is going to happen tomorrow ,and been in my human form is going to make things worse with all the emotions . letting my wolf out is the best option for my stress relief.

I pulled on some shorts and a tank top before running down the stairs and shouting a quick goodbye to my mum as I ran out of the door heading straight for the woods .

I ran for a good hour, not caring what time i got back i just focused on the run.  I focused on were my feet landed,  and  how nice it felt as the wind blew through my pure white fur.

I came to a stop when i got to my favorite spot and I  sat by the stream that i always come to for time to relax.  The best thing was that Know body comes hear because they know that this is were i go and they would rather stay away from me .They refer to it as the trash can because it is were they think I belong. Not even Silver comes down hear because she knows that I only come down hear to get away from everyone and she understands.

I Was just staring in the water, watching the fish swim by and sometimes  looking at my wolfs reflection admiring her beautiful, White coat and wondering why i was the one that had to be the rare white wolf. I feel sorry for all the white wolves out there, getting picked on, or is it just me? Why did everyone pick on me when they were just jealous?

My dad was the person who showed me this spot, and it was here were he taught me how to fish, swim and he even taught me a bit of self defence. Not that i would need it much because women are not allowed to fight in the pack and that is a big rule, one that i disagree with strongly. My dad was against it to , he said that our pack was living in the olden days ,and that in the modern days women were treated just the same.

Women can fight as well, our bodies are built to fight, we are fighting machine and we may not be as strong, but we are fast and agile so we can sneak up on our enemies, something male wolves struggle with . We are thicker skinned  to protect us and our pups when in a fight so it is not like we are at a disadvantage in fact we are often able to sneak up on our own pack members which is why me and Silver don't get in to trouble all the time .

I stayed silent listening to the humming water and the tweeting of the birds letting it calm me to the point were my head can start to process things and figure out what to do. Its times like these that I miss my father , he always new what to do and he could fix any problem he was faced with.

At lunch times I could smell the families back in the town cooking their teas and having barbecues and often I could hear families out in the garden playing and laughing and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy towards them.

I missed my dad so bad. They never found his body so they think that the other pack that attacked  us took it so that our family couldn't have the proper funeral he deserved. Them savage animals. One day I am going to find them and kill them for taking my father away from me and my mum.

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