chapter 18

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Hope you guys like it! 


Me and Silver talked for ages, and ages, until we both fell asleep on the sofa. which was strange because Silver doesn't go to sleep until like 4 in the morning whenever we have sleep overs , which was like nearly ever night. But all my dreams were filled with my mother and how she is coping with the whole me not being there any more. I felt sorry for her.


i woke up on the floor ....... probably because i move around a lot in my sleep. Silver was curled up in a ball on the edge of the sofa with her head resting on the arm of the chair.

I sat up and stretched with a loud yawn, that woke up Silver and she groaned in annoyance at me. I chuckled at her and stood up. we are not morning people so you don't want to mess with us , unless you want your eyes scratched out.

i walked out of the room and remembered i had no idea were the kitchen was. I walked around for a bit determined not to have to call for my mate. i must have looked in about every single friking room in this big ass house ...... if you could call it house it was more of a mansion.

i gave in as i slid down against a wall ..... some where in the maze of corridors. "- errrrrrrrrm Alex?- " i said quietly dying to get some coffee in me. he didn't respond so i decided to be mean and wake him up by shouting in his head. -ALEX WAKE UP NOW I AM LOST IN THIS DAM HOUSE AND I CAN NOT FIND THE KITCHEN! .......................GET YOUR BUTT HERE NOW OR I WILL GO ALL NINJA WOLF ON YOUR ASS!!!!!!-  i screamed in to our min link. this time i got a reaction out of him and i smiled because i probably made him angry.

i was surprised when he was calm ........... almost like he wanted to here my voice."-where are you my cherry blossom?-" he said in the sweetest voice but it was muffled so I'm guessing i had just woke him.

i was nearly sick at the nickname he had given me and i was gagging. "- if i new the answer to that question, i wouldn't be asking you now would i?-" i mind linked him through  gritted was the morning and he wanted to ask me the most stupidest questions ever............... he really didn't know me on a morning.

"- OK I'm coming - " he said with amusement clear in his voice. this pushed me over the edge and i screamed in frustration. i hated not knowing my way around . i had to keep my anger under control because i didn't want to do something i might ....... might .. regret.

10 minuets later Alex came around the corner and grinned at me. " there you are ........... how did you get all the way down here......... you do know the kitchen is literally just down the hall from the room?" he said with the biggest smirk on, failing to control his laughter.

i gave him my death glare,  any one who is on the end of my death glare knows that they should back down and i wasn't surprised when he flinched and took a step back. i was ready to attack him but my wolf was screaming at me telling me to just go and hug him. i scolded my wolf for putting an image in my head of us kissing and i pushed her out of my thinking zone. Stupid hormones!

once my mind was free from the image i sprung up from the floor still glaring at Alex and i stalked towards him. " take me to the kitchen ....... NOW!!!" i shouted the last part through gritted teeth , the only thing stopping me was my wolf worming her way back in to my thoughts.

he looked scared for about 2 seconds and then something flashed in his eyes, i only just caught it and then he stated grinning. this pissed me off even more. what would he possibly be grinning at now?

" what?!" i said clearly frustrated.

" you look so hot when you are angry." he said and i finally realized what had flashed through those gorgeous deep blue eyes........... it was lust.

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