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Harry's POV:

I woke up next to Louis the next morning. I think this is the first time this week. Oh, well. It just sucks that we have to get up. Like, his bed is actually super comfortable. Ugh, I wanna sleep in all day. Apparently, Louis was thinking the same thing. He complained as I tried to sit up and pulled me back down with his arm, "I don't wanna get up. Go back to sleep, H."

I chuckled at the sight of him being sleepy and all cuddly before pressing a kiss to his head, "We'll be late, babe." He kicked me, "I don't care. Fucking come back to sleep, you idiot." I burst out laughing before nudging him harder, "Do you really want Trae and Tina to come check up on us and find us like this? Because they will, you know." 

He opened his eyes and shot me a murderous glare, "I will stab you." I chortled, "Aren't you supposed to be in a good mood after getting laid?" He pouted adorably, "No. I wanna sleep, Haz." Haz? Um, okay then.

I pushed him off me and stood up, "Well, you can sleep some more if you want to, but I'm getting up." He glared at me again before throwing a shirt at me for absolutely no reason. However, he did finally get up and tried to stand up, but ended up losing his balance. Good thing, I was right there, because I steadied him and asked carefully, "Does your ankle still hurt?"

He winced as he lifted the injured ankle off the ground, "It's worse today." Well, oof. I rolled my eyes before giving in and asking, "Do you need help getting ready?" Louis gaped at me, "Would you?" I sighed exaggeratedly before sliding an arm around his waist and helping him move to the bathroom, "Yes, Lewis." He teased, "Don't tell me you've gone soft on me, Styles."

I grinned, "Never, baby. I'm just a nice person in general." He snorted, "Yeah, right." I threatened, "I can still drop you, you know." He chuckled before pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth, "You wouldn't." Ugh. He was right, but okay. So, we hopped into the shower together. No funny business though, I promise. The dumbass could barely stand up. Once that was done, I quickly got dressed before helping him a little. 

Then, of course I had to help him to get to breakfast. Sigh. Being Niall's roommate was way less work than this. Louis bit his lip , "You know, you don't have to um help me to walk to the cafeteria." Wait, did I say that aloud? No, I don't think so. Then where the heck is this coming from?

I rolled my eyes, "Don't be ridiculous. Who else is going to help you? It's just roommate duties, you know." He smirked, "I mean, I could ask Niall..." I hate him. This guy is a twat. He laughed, "I'm kidding, H." I huffed, "I know that. Don't you go stealing my friends though." He gasped dramatically, "Me?! You're the one stealing Destiny!" I shrugged as I helped him up, "That's different." He made a sound of disagreement but didn't say anything further. Huh.

It actually took forever to get to the cafeteria. But, fine. Astraea raised her eyebrows as I put Louis down on the bench and sat down next to him, "All good, you two?" I said as dramatically as possible, "Nope, I'm disowning Louis. Which one of you is willing to let me move in with you?" Oh and, of course, all our friends were sitting together again. So, this is a thing now. 

Louis scoffed, "Please. Move out. It'll be a pleasure." I just rolled my eyes. Niall asked Louis, "So your ankle is still as bad?" Louis complained, "It's actually worse today. Can't walk on it at all." Liam joked, "This might be a good time to get a personal carriage." Louis smiled sweetly at that, "That's what I have you guys for." Destiny chuckled at that. Astraea laughed, "So which one of you is taking him to class after this?"

Louis shrugged, "I think I have English. Harold, since you are such an annoying presence in my English class, you might as well carry me to the class." Before I could say anything, Destiny interrupted, "Actually, can Liam take you instead? I, um, had to talk to Harry about something." Louis froze at that, while Liam just shrugged in agreement. Niall openly stared at Destiny curiously. Astraea just smirked wide. What even... Am I missing something?

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