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Louis' POV:

I woke up early the next morning. I didn't mean to, but I was sharing a room with Liam and that guy snores. If he wasn't my best friend I'd throw him off the bed. I'm still considering throwing him off the bed... Fine. I won't do it. Only because I'm a nice person and too tired to push him off. 

I slowly slipped out of bed and out of the room as noiselessly as possible. I walked down the stairs and went out to the patio. To my surprise, Harry was already there, sitting on the swing, his earphones in and his eyes closed. I sneaked up to him before poking him in the shoulder. He jumped violently, yanking his earphones out, "Ow! What the hell, Louis?"

I took a seat next to him, "Good morning to you too, Harold." He glared at me, "Don't sneak up on me like that." I shrugged, making no promises. I asked, "What are you doing here?" He sighed as he put away his earphones, "Needed fresh air." I raised my eyebrows, "Are you claustrophobic or something?" 

He rolled his eyes, "No, you idiot. I just like fresh air." I didn't know what to say to that, so we just sat in silence for a while. He finally asked, "How was your break?" I'm pretty sure I lit up, because Harry was looking at me fondly when I started speaking, "It was good! I miss my sisters so much, so it was fun spending three weeks with them. The babies cried when I left yesterday."

He asked, interested, "How many siblings do you have?" He genuinely sounds like he wants to know. I replied, "Six. " His eyes widened, "Six?! I just have one older sister." I nodded, "Gemma, right?" He looked at me in confusion, "You know my sister?" I explained, "Well, no. But Destiny may or may not have showed me Gemma's Instagram a few times."

Harry looked even more confused at that, so I laughed, "She thinks Gemma is hot." Harry's lips parted in understanding, "Oh yeah, I forgot she's bi." Yeah. And she had a mini crush on Gemma and full blown crush on Harry. I didn't mean to sound bitter when I said, "Yeah, she has a thing for the Styles siblings apparently." 

Harry smirked, "Well, we're hot. I don't blame her." I scoffed, "Sure, Gemma is hot. You? Not so much." He raised an eyebrow disbelievingly, "Really? Really, Louis?" I shrugged, "Yeah? You're a 5 at best." Harry looked so offended at that; it was hilarious. He tried to sound threatening, "You take that back, sir." 

I couldn't stop myself from laughing, "No, can do." He sighed exaggeratedly before tugging me to him and tickling me. I am very, very ticklish, okay? Within seconds, I was ready to drop to the floor and beg for mercy. I laughed uncontrollably, making my stomach hurt again, "Stop! Harreh! Stop, please."

He paused, his fingertips still resting against my skin, "Do you take back what you said?" I struggled to catch my breath, "Yes! Jesus Christ, yes. Fine." Harry stopped tickling me, but his fingers were still against me. He pulled me up back to normal sitting position, "You know how it works. Say the words."

I groaned, "I hate you. Fine. Yes Harry, you are hot as well." He smiled cheekily, "Why, thank you, Lewis." I just groaned before burying my face in his shoulder in annoyance. He giggled before slipping his arms around me. 

A while later, we suddenly heard the door to the patio open, making us jump apart. Destiny stepped out, in her pastel nightgown. She noticed us on the swing in three seconds. Her lips parted to form a perfect 'o' and she blinked in confusion, "Am I hallucinating?" 

Harry was taken aback, "Um?" Destiny spoke slowly, "Am I seeing things or are you guys actually Harry and Louis sitting together voluntarily?" Harry and Louis. It sounds... Fancy. Warmth-inducing. Nice. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, it's no big deal."

Destiny gasped, "No big deal?! You guys hate each other!" See? This is what I was trying to avoid. Goddamit Harry. Harry shrugged in response to Destiny, "Well, true, but we're used to each other." I scoffed, "Please, Harry. I'll never get used to your annoying presence. I merely tolerate it." 

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