Twenty One

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Harry's POV:

The rest of the week with the Starrs was pretty enjoyable. Trae and Tina's parents were of the cool kind too. They were both working, but Mr. Starr took some time to cook for us at night. He was an incredible cook. If I were Trae or Tina, I'd never leave home. Why would anyone give up this delicious food for the mediocre food we have at school?

I didn't get to talk to Louis a lot, since everyone was always around us, but we did however text a lot. I wouldn't say we're friends but we're not exactly enemies I guess? I don't even know. I'm not trying to think about it too much. Currently, we were getting ready to go back to school. The week had flown by pretty fast. 

I was kind of excited to get back to school, but not, at the same time. It was my last ever term of high school. That was scary, but exciting at the same time. Plus I was sort of excited to get back to my normal routine. Which means sleeping with Lewis and waking up next to him and annoying him just because I can. Ugh, this is so weird. I still do hate him, of course. Just maybe... I don't know. Maybe I never really hated him? 

I'm pretty sure I use "hate" and "strongly dislike" interchangeably. But I don't know about him. Maybe he really does hate me. The thought of that made me squirm in discomfort, but I could get used to it. Heck, I am used to it. We hate each other.

Presently, I got my bags and walked down to the driveway. We'd be taking two cars, because all of our luggage wouldn't fit in one. So we'd go in one car, and our luggage would go in the second one.

Everyone else was already down at the driveaway. Niall muttered when he saw me, "Jeez, finally. What were you even doing? Gelling up your hair for your school crush?" Astraea and Destiny snickered at that, whereas Liam looked super bored.

Louis gasped dramatically, "School crush?! I thought I was your school crush! I'm dumping you, Harry." What... Everyone else stilled and stared at Louis like he'd grown two heads suddenly. I mean, according to them, we're mortal enemies, so yeah I understand the reaction.

I just tolled my eyes, "Oh whatever will I do without you?" He grinned, "Suffer of boredom. Fail math. Die of stupidity. I have a list, you see." So, we're interacting in front of our friends. Cool. Cool.

I just rolled my eyes and kicked his legs. He just glared at me as he bowed down to rub his shin. Destiny looked at us dumbly, "Um... Am I hallucinating again?" Liam looked at us disbelievingly as well. Niall and Astraea just shrugged, unbothered.

Louis rolled his eyes, "I don't know why you guys seem to think we don't talk. We literally live together." Destiny blinked, "Oh. Wait, so... Math? Harry did you start being tutored by Louis?" I looked down awkwardly, "Um, yeah."

Destiny bit her lip, "Oh. You could have asked me too, but okay." Louis looked between us awkwardly. Ugh what do I say to that? I didn't want to ask Destiny because it'd be weird. Considering she asked me out and I turned her down. For Louis. Ugh.

Wait, not for Louis. Because of Louis. Thankfully, I didn't have to respond to Destiny, because the drivers arrived right then to let us know that we were ready to go. So all of us piled into the car. Liam took the main passenger's seat, the twins took the middle two seats, and Louis, Niall and I took the back seat. 

We were at the school in an hour. I listened to music all the way. What? Music is life. Anyway, once we were there, we got our separate luggage and thanked the drivers before going up to our specific rooms. Louis and I, of course, walked together, inviting suspicious glances from everyone else. Ugh, can they mind their own business?

Louis exclaimed dramatically once I threw open the door to our room, "Oh, my beautiful room! I missed you so much!" he went ahead and hugged both our beds and the window. Don't ask me how. I chuckled as I dropped my bags on my bed, "You're a dork."

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