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Harry's POV:

The next few days were... strange, to say the least. While I still absolutely hate Tomlinson, we have been 'doing the nasty' a lot. You know, just your usual enemies with benefits thing. I honestly think it's because of the roommate situation. But like the tension between us is still very real. Regular tension. Not sexual tension. We still fought and argued as much as possible, don't worry.

I still hung out with my friends. They didn't suspect a thing. Good. I'll never hear the end of this if Astraea heard about this. Everybody knows that Astraea and Destiny are huge matchmakers. I don't need any of that. Those two can be devious. Even though they are both still super single. Makes so sense, right? Next time Trae tries to set me up, I'm going to not-so-gently remind her that she still has no clue about what's going on between her and Zayn. Ha.

Presently, I walked down to the common room. Today has been a long day. The teachers have been absolutely annoying, assigning a bunch of homework. Like, dudes, chill the fuck out. It hasn't even been two whole weeks into the semester. I've barely had time to have a whole entire conversation with my friends. I usually saw them between classes, and it wasn't enough okay.

I spotted Astraea and Niall immediately. I perked up and started making my way towards them. Then I saw them. Those wretched Royals. Scum of the Earth. Disgusting rodents. Peasants. I could go on and on. Niall greeted me with a scowl when I finally got there, "Hey, man. Look, we have unfit company." I glared at the Royals, "Liam, Destiny and Tomlinson. I would say it's a pleasure to see you, but it's not."

Destiny gave me a fake sweet smile, her eyes glinting, "The feeling is very mutual, Styles." Liam then spoke in annoyance, "Are you going to fucking sit already?" Ugh. Scum. I looked around for a seat. Oh, look. The only one left was next to Tomlinson the Twat. How fun. As if that wasn't bad enough, the seat was on a tight double sofa. More fun. I sat down as aggressively as possible, pushing the loser aside, "Why are these losers here, anyway?"

Astraea sighed, clearly tired of answering that question, "There's no other seats in the common room." Niall complained, "Yeah, well why couldn't they go to the library? They are nerds. It'd be justified." Tomlinson snapped, "Well, why couldn't you go back to hell with your so-called friends? That'd be justified too." He kicked me for good measure.

I glared at him and yanked his arm, "Got a problem, Tomlinson?" His blue eyes snapped to mine, "None at all." What kind of person has such blue eyes? It's just not normal. Freak. Suddenly, I heard Trae and Tina cough at the same time, causing Tomlinson and I to look away. He slowly removed his hand from mine. Niall and Liam were bickering over something, while Trae and Tina were looking at each other and smirking. Huh. What is that about?

Destiny cleared her throat, "Anyway. Guys. The debate team sign up sheet is going to be up tomorrow." Niall groaned, "Oh, God. Please, no. I cannot handle any more of this nerd talk." Tomlinson threw a pen at him, "Shut the fuck up, Niall. Go on, Tina." Destiny shot Niall a dirty look before turning back to Liam and Tomlinson and going on about some nerd stuff. I totally zoned out. 

A while later, I heard Astraea speak, "Wait, we have a talent show in the first term this year?" That caught my and Niall's attention. Niall's jaw dropped, "What the fuck are you talking about? The talent show is always at the end of second term." Astraea explained, "Yeah, well since this is our last year, its at the end of term one." I groaned, "Great. So now we have to prepare for it along with the heavy term one workload. Just great."

After that I zoned out again. The others were bickering about something. Ugh, how I hate those Royals. Dimwits, all of them. Even their extended group is full of nerds. A few minutes later, I heard Destiny chortle, "Puh-lease, Neil, nobody would fall for that." Niall glowered at her, "It's Niall, you illiterate dumbass." I asked, "What's going on?"

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