Chapter 34 "THE FIRST BALL"

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Chapter 34

Last night was a disaster. People wouldn't be okay with a bomb exploding in the sea. They all freaked out and ran in every direction, and for me, I lost something called 'Feelings' after last night, at least good ones

"Someone answer this fucking door" Cried my sister from the other room waking me up.

It's quarter to five in the morning. Who would come by this early morning?

I got lazily out of the bed down the stairs throughout the darkness. I'm trembling though I feel no feer. I'm concerned that the worst hasn't come yet and I must be ready for it.

I opened the door with a shaky hand to find someone jumping in and holding both of my hands behind my back using one hand and the other covering my mouth. Oh my lord! My heart dropped to my knees again and I feel everything spinning around.

"Please" I said in a faint voice from under his hand

"Happy birthday love" He gave me a pick on the cheek then let me go. It's him.

"Harry you fucking bas-" He cut me off by placing his lips on mine

"You don't have to start your new year like that" He whispered

"I was going to die in your hands minutes ago"

"Why is that?"

"Why is that? May be because I'm living a nightmare. I cannot stand a seeing a bird in a cage or a dead animal because I can't imagine myself in their place" A tear fell from my eye. I let go of what I feel.

"Oh Vic I'm so sorry" I buried me in his arms immediately "I thought you were my strong little childish woman" He smirked

"I was" I said with a crocked smile and a tear on my cheek

"What made you come here this early anyway" I pulled away slowly

"Come" He pulled me with a smile to the cold air outside.

"Ta-Da" He said playfully pointing his hands to the motorcycle

"So?" I raised my eyebrows

"So, let's give it a ride"

"With pajamas?"

"With pajamas" He laughed

I jumped on the motorcycle not knowing what to do and he stood in front of me telling me how control it or may be how to even drive it.

"Ready?" He asked

"More than ever" I said putting on the helmet and he rode behind me

"Let's do this" I shouted really loud tgen moved as fast as I could.

It's the best feeling ever. The fresh air moving my hair and the view of the sunshine in front of us. This quietness that I've never heard before. My screams were the only voice in the universe. I felt like a shining star with no driving license.

"Slow down crazy ass. You don't want a ticket at your first ride" He cried

"I don't even have a license"

"What? Stop then" He was shocked I think

"How?" I was laughing at myself. I don't know how to stop

"Oh god I didn't tell you. Slow down and let me-"

"Change" I cut him leaving my place and he jumped into mine to save us from the fall. Yes I was going to kill us but I feel like I don't care.

"What the hell have just done" He shouted when he stopped

"I was stopping it on my own way"

"Do not do that again, understood?"

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