Chapter 10 "The worst day ever"

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Chapter 10

I got out of this bed and put on my shoes and brushed my hair only since I've slept with the only clothes that I have for now, I need to get my clothes from Daissy's as soon as I can, I wasn't only planning to meet this stranger to know him. I was going to give him an electric shock by my self-defense that my mum brought to me as soon as we were in Egypt and I was going to pass by Beck's and take him with me, I won't meet a stranger by my own. BUT-

"Where are you going young lady" My mother said, Here we go again

"I have to meet someone and I need to pass by Daissy's"

"No way, We made a security system in this house and the remote control will be with your father and I when we're in or out of this house"

"What?! What does that supposed to mean? You can't just lock me in" Can they ?! No of course not

"Yes we can and we're doing that, every single window, door or balcony will be locked as long as you are in which is always"

"What? You cannot do that to me, why would you?" I asked and I know the answer, my mum shut me an 'You know what u did' glare "Well I know why but now we are in London so no more sneak outs" I think

"No way young lady, you made a mistake and that's your punishment"

"Oh come on I'm your daughter have a little mercy on me"

"And have you had any mercy with us when you left the home, No way"

"Do not call it home"

"I will 'cause it is" She said in a harsh tone

"Ok call it whatever you want but can I please go out for the coming 4 or 5 hours and then I'll respect your decision and stay at home like-  forever if you want but send me free now"

"No way young lady, you won't do that if I let you go so you have to spend the rest of your life locked here" who said that she doesn't know me anymore

"What are you doing?" I said when she grabbed my bag

"I'm taking your keys, don't worry I won't take your mobile" Thank god "Now go upstairs" She said handing me the handbag

"But mum you know I can't stand one day at home and you want to lock me in here forever!"

"Not forever only until you learn your lesson"

"Mum please don't do that it’s gonna kill me please" I begging her because I'm sure none of my trickes or anything can help me now "please mom you know that it will do nothing to me except breaking me down" I've been like raised in the streets, I was always outdoor since the day I was born

"Conversation is over, now go upstairs or do whatever you'll do since you are in this house"

"Mum please"

"Go!!" She shouted

"But I don't have any clothes I need to get them back from Daissy"

"What are your clothes doing at Daissy's?"

"I took everything to her place when I knew that you were back"

"How could you know?"

"My sources"

"Ok your father will get them for ya"

"What?!" Me and my father said at the same time and my mother gave him a glare

"Fine" He said stepping out of the chair and to the door

"Wait!" I said while standing in his pass "I can get them for my own self please, you can continue whatever you were doing" I said begging again and he looked at mom

"Look babe what you did was a very big deal" He said cupping my cheeks "You can't just pack your bags and steal my credit card and your mum's keys, It's a massive disaster that you did so punishment has to be taking away what you have came here for at the first place" A tear is out of my control and ran on my cheek to my father's hand

"Babe don't cry, you will be free soon" He said wiping that stupid tear

"I won't, you cannot do that to me, you're gonna kill me that way, and you're right that's why I'm here at the first place so please don't do that to me" I said getting away from his hands

"We know and that's how you'll have your lesson, now let your dad get your stuff" My mum said. I was going to convince him one way or another, why has she opened her mouth now "Both of you move" She said waving her hands in front of her and my dad is gone.

"Thanks" I told her and grabbed my bag and rushed upstairs to my room

It's gonna be the worst part of my life, but I'm gonna show them that I can stay at home for weeks without complaining and that they're wrong, or should I act miserably as I'll be- oh Fuck I'm so damn lost and for the first time I don't know what to do. Is this system on or not? She said that the windows are locked too, I'll try to open this thing and sneak out but as soon as I touched the window lock a damn loud bell went on as if a robber was sneaking in, Damn

"What are you trying to do?" My mum’s rushed throw the door

"I was trying to get some air" I lied

"you can use the thermostat instead but stay away of those windows"

"Yeah. Okay" I gave her a sad puppy face while sitting on the bed

"Do not try this with me I won't open it and you will stay here till you are done with those bad habits of sneaking out or running away, understood" She shouted and shut the door behind her

That's my mother when she plays the big mature housewife with me and I hate this game, I need to do some phone calls and see what Bakie and Daissy are doing for tonight, before I could make a move my mobile rang and I'm glad that my mum left it for me

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey, now you have proved to me that you keep your word" The stranger said, oh I have totally forgot about him after all "Can you come now, I got your point now please come" Why is he begging? Is he a murderer? Or worst, a kidnapper?

"Can you just tell me who you are and end this thing because it's pretty annoying"

"It was supposed to be a surprise" What?!

"Excuse me?!"

"Who am I was a surprise cuz you won't believe me if I told you" Who is he?! And why won't I believe him?!

"Hey listen mystery man, I don't have time for this crap I have bigger problems to deal with so tell me now who you are or never call this number again" I'm getting angry

"I'll chose the third option, I'm coming" What the hell?

"Yeah show me who'll open the door for ya" I wanna laugh about this whole situation but it just didn't come out

"I'm not kidding, I'm already on my way to you, if I want you I'll get you" He said and cut the line just like last time

"I don't have time for this shit" I said to myself and dialed Daissy's number

(Hey!! if UR reading that I just wanna thank U all UR doing a great job and it makes me so happy, I'm sorry for the this late update again, but I was little bit hard for me to do it so there a double update now for a reward *High Five*

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