Chapter 28

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IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE: This chapter is the last one till now, I'll continue later after school is over but right now this is it. I did my best and postponed my homework to give you something good enough so you won't hate me for leaving the story. So if u plz don't mind writing 'Dusty' in a comment so I would know how many people who likes it so far so maybe my mum would let me feed you more during school days and tell me about your favorite character and who's the creepy guy after you read this chapter. Loads of love :*:*

Chapter 28

Victoria's P.O.V

"Ready?" Asked Harry

"For what?"

"For this" He said putting my bag of clothes on his shoulder and then he put a hand on the back of my leg, the other around my back and he pulled me up. I was between his hands in no time and his touch was my match, my whole body is on fire now.

"And what is that for?" I asked as the words hardly came out of my lungs because of my racing heart

"Patients should be well treated"

"Really? Because I think I'm good now"

"No, you're nervous. I can feel your heartbeat" What he said made it race more. Harry Styles if your goal was turning my face into a tomato then well done.

"Here" He said putting me on the ground and opening the door for me then he put my bad in the backseat as I got into the car.

"Where did my parents go?" I wondered as he got in

"Home of course" He answered

"And why am I here while they are home?" I don't really understand how did my parents leave without me, not that I don't wanna be with Harry of course but it seems wired that they let him do it in their presence. Not their usual.

"Because they're going to their home and we're going to ours" What?

"What?" I said what came across my mind "What do you mean with our?" I asked

"Okay. It's mine, my home, I just wanted to be a little bit romantic but you ruined it" He said with a light laugh

"Do they know? My parents?" I asked

"Do you really think that I might kidnap you from them that easy?" He said and I laughed then he joined

"How did they-"

"Enough questions" He cut me


"I said enough"

"You're sure a bad boy"

And since then the silence came between us, the air got so thick and the time passed so slow. My head got heavy but I'm not that type who falls asleep in the car, so I just rested my head upon the closed window.

"Wanna hear something?" Asked Harry

"I don't know. Whatever" I said not even moving my head

"What's your favorite song?"

"I have a lot but mostly Little things, I guess"

"Your hand fit in mine like it's made just for me"

"You're not gonna do this"

"But bear this in mind it was meant to be"

"Seriously? You can just play it on the music player or my mobile or yours, don't do that while driving" As much as I was willing to hear my whole favorite song from him I thought it wasn't the right time to. Who in the world sings to his girl while driving. Insane.

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