Cont. Chapter 35

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(A/N: Sorry so much but I don't know what happened to the last part of the chapter. Quarter of the chapter is MISSING!! I've just found out so plz forgive me x')

I heard his footsteps walking towards the door, it's sound is strang with a pause between each.

"Victoria!" He cried once he spotted my figure

"Harry!" I screamed jumping on his lap as his arms wrapped tight around my waist

"Victoria!" He kept dropping gentle kisses on my hair and then rested his chin on tge top of it "Where in the hell have you been ? I have been looking for you everywhere" I pulled away slowly looking directly into his eyes with pain

"What happened?" He cupped my cheeks.

My eyes scanned my boots for a while. Why is it so hard to say it? To admit that he left me almost alone? That he is gone forever?

"Come in" He cut my desperate thoughts of daddy

We sat together, my head on his thighs as he tangled a lick of my  hair

"Would you tell me what happened, please?" He asked after long silence

"My father, d-died" I said trying to resist my tears but failed miserably.

"What? When was that? H- how?"
"Simply murdered" I waved my hands in the air, letting go of my tears for the zillion times in the past 2 days.

"Oh god!" I sat straight and looked at him for a while, starring at his shocked eyes.

"Come love" He took me between his arms squeezing me gently trying to reduce my pain, but no, no Styles, it's worthless, nothing can ever help, ever.

"I'll get you a cup of water" He pulled away moving. Wait. Moving on one leg?!



"What happened to your leg?"

"Umm. Toda- no- yesterday's morning I- fell off the stairs" I don't wanna believe that nor that he might be a Liar!

"Where were you today's morning?"

"O- Looking for you"

"Liar" I shouted and bursted out the door running to my car ignoring his calls

"Victoria please let me explain"

"There's nothing left to explain. I regret falling for you"

"Victoria!" He called not for me to stop gently and listen to him. It was out of anger and that only made me run faster to my car. I am totally terrified now. I'm not ready for The End.

"Come on, come on" I said while starting the engine then I flied with the car far, far away. Now that my heart took me to him, will I meet him tomorrow? And where?

Done, done, done. Almost done!
Sorry for this short part but it is the rest of the last chapter that was cut off with no reason. So .... Remember that: Once Victoria met Harry, she got a threaten from this damn A to stay away from him. She thought it was Sam, who was a hand of the devil not knowing who was he, but she wasn't. Then he threatened her of losing the dearest to her heart which she lost only lately. He tried to kill her TWICE but failed. She followed her heart tonight which lead her to Harry but where will her mind take her and who will she meet? Guess!!
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