"DAAAD!" Angelica yelled.

The brothers widened their eyes and stared at each other before James mouthed, "Monster Angie", as they heard her firm steps marching towards them until she stood at the room's doorway.

"Where is dad?" She stated angrily and Will shrugs, trying to get smaller than the little boy already was. By the simple detail of her not calling him "daddy", her brothers knew it was serious, and that the wrong move would make her explode at them. When nobody answered, she shouted again, "I ASKED, HVOR ER HAN?!" ("WHERE IS HE?!")

John fastly pointed to the ceiling and said, "His office!"

Angelica turned on her heels and stormed upstairs as her brothers sighed, already preparing themselves for what was about to happen next. Their sister was the sweetest person any of they had ever known, she was rarely stressed or yelled at someone, she was a true ray of sunshine. However, when she got angry it would blurry her judgment and make her act impulsively towards the matter that made her feel that in the first place.

The people who were close to her knew that it wasn't a clever idea to play around when she was in such a state, especially when the "Danish phase" was up. Their father spoke a few other languages, and Danish was one of them. While all the other siblings had only learned French with their mother, Angelica also wanted to learn Danish for some reason, and so she did. Her brothers absolutely hated it, because she and their father would have secret conversations that none of them understood, thing that only seemed to bring them closer than they already were.

Eliza walked out of a room with baby Lizzy in her arms at the sound of the commotion downstairs and found her older daughter walking past her, "Angelica, what's got into you-"

"DAD!" The girl called for her father.

The man was at his office in an important meeting with both Jefferson and Lafayette, sitting at the armchairs on the opposite side of the table; when they started to hear the shouting. Alexander stood up and was halfway to reach the door when it was suddenly open.

He looked at his daughter in shock by her attitude and then murmured, "Angelica, what-"

"You really did that?" She sharply asked and Alexander narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "The casting call. Did you?"

Alexander quickly looked at the men sitting behind them by the corner of his eye before he said quietly, "Angie, why don't we talk about this later? I'm in the middle of-"

"Gjorde du?" She repeated her question through clenched teeth, completely ignoring his statement with tears forming in her eyes.

He sighed before replying with sorrow, "Yes..."

"Why?" She asks already feeling her throat closing from the will to cry.

"Because you wanted that part so much, Angel. And I wanted you to get it," He says with honesty, walking closer to his daughter, "So when I heard they were indecisive between you and another girl I-"

"You cheated." She accused him.

"If you want to put it that way..." He looks away for a moment before looking back at her. Jefferson facepalmed at the statement and Lafayette quietly hissed, well aware his friend did the wrong decision by saying that.

"You- You don't think I am good enough?" The girl's voice cracked.

"I didn't say that, no, no, sweetie. I think you're incredible!" He reassures her with wide eyes as he caresses her arms, "I just wanted to be sure you would get in."

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