Flower Shop

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Chapter's song: Little Do You Know - Alex & Sierra

"Violetta, hey!" Someone called and the blonde girl turned around, then opening a smile at John Todd as he approached her.

"Oh hello, Todd. How's your day going?" She politely asked and he smiled back at her.

"It's been good, way better now that I'm with you if I'm being completely honest." He winked and she blushed. "Well, are you ready for our meeting? I thought in doing something special this time and I know a great restaurant we can go to, you are surely gonna love it."

"What? Today?" Violetta asked furrowing her eyebrows softly in confusion. Both of them have been meeting up in alternate days along the week after Violetta's classes were over, always skipping the days when the soccer team had practices so she could assist them and cheer them up.

"Yeah, we scheduled it yesterday, don't you remember?" He asked tilting his head. They in fact didn't schedule anything for that day, but the most he could keep her away from so many men, the better his chances. "You said that we could do some task you had to today and continue our talk about, oh what was it...?"

"A... Life with purpose? I guess?" She asked uncertainly.

"Yes! That was it. It was really inspirational for me, and I was really seeking for you to continue."

"I would love to, Todd. But today the boys have training and I-" She awkwardly points at the direction she was heading to with her thumb.

"Oh." He says and looks away with a sad smile, "Oh, it's fine then. You have a more important compromise."

"You sure? I- Really don't want to let you upset. I'm so sorry I scheduled it today, I guess I might just be working too much and forgot it..."

"I mean, you should take a few days off from that sanatorium you work on, you can even end up just as crazy as them, haven't you ever thought about that? Taking care of old wrinkled people and phlegm orphaned kids, who knows where they had been?! They could be carrying some decease even!"

"Uhm... It is a poorhouse, not a sanatorium?" She begins quite nervous and feels her cheeks warming up, "And-"

"It's the same thing, dear. I've visited both during Madison's boring trips around the country, and both have crazy people. I don't want you to end like those nurses who work in this kind of place." Todd touches her reddish cheek and tenderly look in her eyes, "You have way too much potential to let it be wasted in such a dirty place."

"I... Suppose I... Could perhaps take a day off this week? Just to chill down?" She says and he smiles in approval, "But it really isn't like how you're describing, the crew who works with me really look up for my work and those poor people need our help or else-"

"Nature will follow it's course." He shrugs bluntly, completing her sentence. "The strongest survive, and you can't save everyone, Violetta. You can't waste your life for the sake of others! Will you really spend the rest of your days cleaning old people's butts? Hearing yells from children that aren't even yours to be obligated to take care of? Being ordered around by people who don't even pay for your work, and in the end not live the best that life can give?!"

She blushes even harder while picking on her nails, looking down at her feet, feeling deeply embarrassed for now being so self-conscious about her work. "I-I don't know... Maybe... Maybe you can be right, but..." She sighs at last, not knowing how to complete that sentence.

"Hey," Todd places his finger under her chin after a brief moment of silence, making her face him but her eyes still averted his gaze, "You're far too amazing to allow yourself to be satisfied with the scrubs people give you... You should be in the spotlight, my dear Violetta. If I was so lucky to have someone as bright or gorgeous as you as my bride, I would always make sure she was treated like the queen she is..."

Carrying the Legacy: The Revolution Continuesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें