The Docks

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Chapter's song: People Will Say We're in Love - Oklahoma! 

Angelica screeched from the front door, startling some of her brothers who were having lunch in the other room.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Little four-years-old William shouted in fright as he looked around.

His older sister dashed into the dining room his screeching, leaving a trail of letters on the floor as her full attention was centered on the letter addressed to her in her hands. She twirled in excitement and kissed James cheek as her huge smile managed to even hurt her cheeks but she didn't care, "IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE!! AAAAAAAaaaAaHH!!!!"

"WHAT IS HERE, YOU CRAZY?!" AJ shouted in confusion.


"So?" Alexander said from the head of the long table with a big smile of his own, "Did you get the part?"

"I DON'T KNOW, I DIDN'T LOOK INSIDE YET!" Angelica replied still with her excited tone and her family got concerned and looked at her expectantly.

"Then... Maybe you should take a look?" James suggested while he cleaned the wet kiss from his cheek and Angelica froze, staring at the letter in her hands.

 Maybe you should take a look?" James suggested while he cleaned the wet kiss from his cheek and Angelica froze, staring at the letter in her hands

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She suddenly threw the letter at the table and covered her face with both hands, "I CAN'T DO THIS! SOMEONE READ, PLEASE! AAAAAAAAAH!!"

AJ snapped the letter before James could and sent him a smug glance, he ripped open the envelope and started to read it's content, "Dear Miss Hamilton, we are more than happy to announce that you... Angie you passed!"

The whole family started to shout and cheer. James and Philip stood up to hug their sister, the three of them jumping in joy whenever the girl started to do so and infecting them as well, AJ read the rest of the letter while he laughed at his family. Little John stood up in his chair and did a little dance, which Will followed, not quite understanding why his family was so happy but that Angie received good news, but it wasn't as if he was going to waste his chance to stand up and dance in the chair to join the fun without his mother reprimanding him.

Alexander picked baby Lizzy up, throwing her a few inches in the air, and made her giggle loudly. Lastly, Elizabeth made her way to her daughter and kissed her cheek with pride. Angelica simply couldn't be happier.


As soon as Alfred sighted Frances coming near to him, he greeted her with a grin, "Hey there, love."

They agreed to make the docks their meeting point once it was less probable to be caught by the drunk workers in the area, and it was their 10th date in there in just two weeks. They would always meet in the latest hour of the night, but on that particular day, Alfred asked her to meet him before sundown for some reason.

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