The Lake

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"What do you think they are talking about?" Stephan nervously asked as he picked on his nails with his teeth. As soon as he heard what happened with his sister, he rushed to stand by the principal's office and wait for her. It already had been almost an hour and Stephan's thoughts only rushed to figure the worst scenarios.

"I don't know, but doesn't sound good," Georges replied looking at the door while they all heard some shouts from the inside, most of them coming from the men arguing, and then looked at Philip beside him. Both seemed equally nervous and guilty.

There was a loud thud followed by a shout, from someone hitting the desk with their hands, "We already know you did it, Laurens! Confess already!"

"... I guess you guys exaggerated this time..." Stephan mumbled and then hissed when peeled a bit of his skin too harshly and it bled, pulling his finger to his mouth to stop the bleeding when the door was finally open.

"- And we aren't done! Come back here!"

"I already said that this is bullshit and will only speak when my lawyer eat your ass!" Frances spat back and slammed the door. Neither of the boys managed to speak a word at the sight of her death glare directed at them before she stormed down the hall, fuming in rage.

Stephan decided to leave it to his friends to deal with and stood behind as they rushed after her right away, Georges being the first one to shower her with questions, "How did it go? What did they say? Are you in much trouble?"

"I'm sorry that happened," Philip spoke, "It wasn't supposed to end like this."

When she didn't respond, Georges tried again, "We even went back after you but we didn't find you! How could we figure you would be spotted?!"

"Come on, talk to us! What did they say?!"

She stops dead in her tracks and then turns around to face them, anger clear in her grunted voice, "What do you think? Being welcomed by a detective at the principal's office while getting expelled and receiving a charge for property damage is definitely not the way I thought this day would begin."

"WHAT?!" The two asked in shock.

"YOU TWO HEARD WELL!" She exclaimed while gesturing with her arms. "Damn it, I told you to not do that but nooooo you had to!" Philip opens his mouth to speak but she keeps on ranting, "And the idea of taking the blame for your own actions didn't even cross any of your minds, did it?! Oh no! Let the stupid girl take it!"

"What? You know that's not true!" Georges said back exasperated.

"We just have to think this through." Philip said, "Us three know you did nothing but still you were there and someone saw you! Even if we take the blame, you would still be involved. Perhaps if we do the old "their words against ours"?" Philip was almost talking to himself as he tried to think of a solution, "We can say you were actually at home and it was a lie to target your family. You saw your parents after you arrived home, right? Or even Steph? We can use that as an alibi."

Frances trapped the air in her lungs as she stared at her friends, who looked at her expectantly. "Damn it. If my mom finds out she's gonna make two plus two and know right away he and I are still together. She's totally telling my dad this time. FUCK."

Georges narrowed his eyebrows at her hesitation, finding it weird of her to do. Philip opens his mouth to speak again, but she turns around and walks away without a second thought. "Wha- OKAY, what's going on?!" Georges rushed after her and grabbed her arm to make her stop, she stared at him with fierce eyes but he did not retreat, "We never kept secrets from each other! You didn't go home last night, did you? We waited for you and you never showed up!"

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