Author's Note!!

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Hey guys!! Yeah, I'm not dead! HAHA

So, what happened during this last month that I abandoned this story? Well, the thing is that I COMPLETELY forgot to post this author's note to warn y'all. I was so sure I had posted it but apparently I didn't, my bad, I'm really really sorry ;-; I warned people on my Instagram (from where the majority of people know me from) but as some of you don't follow me there I came to let you know that THE BOOK WILL CONTINUE OK?? I didn't give up on it 😆😅

During the month of November, I joined the Huevember art challenge which I twisted up a bit and created the "Broadwayvember", where I posted one art per day of different musicals using one color hue. You can check it out all the arts on my Instagram's second account @ itspaniiny (

And well, I did one art per day

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

And well, I did one art per day... And as you can see by those examples, they aren't simple arts hehe Which means I had absolutely NO TIME AT ALL to think about anything else this month because not only I had to make arts but I also intend into turning them into physical merch, so this book had to get into a tiny one-month hiatus for me to focus.

The challenge is almost over though, just 4 more arts, and if everything goes right I'll be updating the next chapter next Thursday. Sorry for making you guys waiting for so long but I had a good excuse as you can see haha

Thanks for your patience!

See ya! 🤙🏼

Carrying the Legacy: The Revolution ContinuesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora