Surprise Guest

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Chapter's song: Rewrite the Stars - The Greatest Showman

That same night, while the messy reunion at the Hamilton's happened, the Burr's set their tiny six-seat table ready for dinner, it seemed extremely small in comparison to the Hamilton's, especially because the occasions where all of those seats were taken in a meal happened many years ago. Since Theodosia's death, it never happened again.

The few moments when more people would join Aaron and his daughter at that table, it would be his co-workers to discuss something in a more informal environment, and Theodosia absolutely hated those boring conversations and would quickly excuse herself.

"Is everything ready, Theo? He must be here any second now." Aaron said fixing the one chair that was out of alignment as a short ting was heard from the kitchen.

"Yup! But who is coming anyway?" The girl asked with her usual smile on her face as she took the chicken out of the oven and brought it to the center of the table, "You didn't tell me yet what special occasion we are celebrating tonight."

"Well, I may have invited your suitor to be joining us tonight," Aaron replied, kissing Theo's cheek as she gasped at him.

"Wha- Really!? But how so? Philip had a family dinner tonight." She asked slightly confused. "Would he skip his family meeting only because my father asked him to have dinner with us?" She thought. "He also didn't say anything about all this... Oown, it would be so sweet of him to keep it just to surprise me." Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the front door. She squealed and quickly undid the knot at the apron she wore to prevent her dress to get stained and threw it somewhere at the kitchen as the rushed her way to the door, slowing down her pace and tossing her hair before opening the door with a smile, which quickly was replaced by a disappointed expression, "Joseph?"

She had already met Joseph Alston on several occasions when her father invited his to discuss some matter, he always tried to flirt with her but was never able to get even close to her heart. It already belonged to a certain Hamilton boy after all. Not that this fact seemed to shake the man's attempts, especially after she was chosen to attend college. He would follow her every step and do his best to impress her, but always showed to be a close-minded conservative just as his father and he really annoyed her, but it was not like Theodosia would ever say that aloud at him and be rude.

"Miss Burr, you do look lovely tonight." He says bowing down and kissing her left hand as she kept her mouth slightly open.

"Father! Joseph Alston is here!" She calls, figuring out the boy had come around to talk to him, and Aaron quickly comes by.

"Oh, mister Alston! Please, be our guest, dinner is already set." Aaron points to the inside of the house with his palm open and Joseph nods in a formal manner.

"I bet your daughter is a great wife material only by the alluring smell of the food," He compliments with a grin and walks in.

Aaron was ready to follow right behind him but Theo grabs her father's arm and whispers, "Father, what is going on? Why is Joseph here? Where's Philip? You said-"

"Theodosia..." He said in a soft tone, "Meet your future husband. I hope you two get along." He says and she widens her eyes in shock.

"What?!" She whisper-yell at him in shock, "B-But Philip is already courting me, how could you-"

"This courting thing was never something official Theo, I never agreed to that. And this marriage was already set years ago, my dear. I've told you about it but apparently the Hamilton boy made you forgot about your obligation," He said that as if she had simply forgotten her keys and not an arranged marriage that would change her whole life.

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