New Jersey's Fair

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Violetta woke up that Saturday morning, just as she did every other day. Simon was sound asleep at her feet, warming them up, a habit that the girl quickly got used to after she started to take care of the kitten, which was bigger than Violetta would expect him to become in such a short period. She sat up and pulled the milk bottle from under her bed, pouring some in Simon's bowl. The girl bought a milk bottle to feed her cat and would change the empty bottle every day for a fresh one at the market, then sneak it back in her room so her family wouldn't catch her trying to get food downstairs.

The cat drank his milk while Violetta dressed for the day, pulling her long blonde hair into a ponytail due to all the work she would be doing that day. She also eyed the rosé dress in the mannequin at the corner of her room, her fingers softly touching the silk as she admired her work in progress. Violetta loved everything that had to do with tailoring, and party dresses were her personal favorites even if she never had the chance to use any of them.

Her family saved a lot of money once they would only buy the fabrics and the girl made her siblings' suits and dresses. Her older sister Abigail was the one who loved Violetta's skills the most, once she had her personal tailor at the other side of the corridor to ask for new gowns. Violetta also had a small amount of money saved by some sales she did over the years since when she started, which was more than she expected once she only saw it as a hobby.

She walked past the rosé dress and pulled on her plain navy blue skirt over her body. Violetta never really saw a reason to wear fancy looking dresses on ordinary days. Not only her father was strict about modesty with his daughters; which Abigail never listened to and Violetta could live her whishes through her; but she always looked for simpler designs especially when she had to do volunteer work on the streets or work at the flower shop, which meant she used that style on a daily basis. However, she really looked forward to going to the Spring's Ball and finally use a beautiful party dress for once. She wasn't a party person and wasn't looking after the dances nor even a date to take her, all she wanted was a night to make herself feel like a princess.

Violetta then took her bible from her nightstand, opening it and taking the envelope hidden inside with a sigh. She closed her eyes for a brief moment as she did a quick prayer, "Dear Lord... Please allow me to keep on delivering those letters safely. I know that no good must come from something hidden like this, but Alfred really needs my help... He is so deeply in love that I couldn't say no to his request even if I wanted to... Please, protect us three in what we have been doing. I really hope You to be according to all of this, or else wouldn't allow them to get this far... And thank you again for another opportunity to help my neighbors." She then recited The Lord's Prayer and sighed again, replacing the envelope inside her bible and then opening the window.

Simon stretched, already finished from drinking his milk, and the girl took him in her arms, placing him at the windowsill and softly bumping his butt to make him jump, "Come on, I'll meet you downstairs just in a few minutes."

The cat meowed, eyeing her with pleading eyes, but obeyed either way. Then, placing her bible inside her purse, she took her way downstairs and ate a brief breakfast, kissing both her parent's cheeks and saying goodbye before she could leave, "Your blessing, father. Your blessing, mother."

Both then answered together with the usual response while smiling at her, "May God bless you, daughter."

After leaving, Violetta's first stop was at the Laurens' house. She knocked and rolled a string of her hair around her finger as she waited, hearing a dog barking somewhere inside until the door opened, "Oh, hey Vi. Just in time," Frances answered the door and swiftly stepped out, closing the door behind her to prevent the dog from escaping.

The first couple of times they started writing the letters was a true mess. First of all, Frances didn't want to write them, and Alfred was insecure about them. Frances never really liked writing before; she could never find her words accurate and felt like they never expressed what she was truly thinking or feeling. To her, they sounded almost fake. And Alfred wrote about three different letters and smashing each of them because he thought they still weren't perfect to make things up. He also wasn't a very good writer himself. However, he wrote the last one and gave it to Violetta before he could rethink his decision.

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