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Ellen's POV 

I wake up to see that Stella is snuggled up to me and she is looking sicker then yesterday. I wake her up to check her temperature and when I check it I see that it says 100.0. I start to panic a little.

"Stells do you wan to take a cold bath?" I suggest hoping it will bring down her temp.

"Sure mommy." she quietly responds. I start the bath and once it is ready I lay her into it. She winced at first but then got used to it. I watch as she starts to doze off in the tub so I take her out. There is some Tylenol in the cabinet so I go to get some hoping it makes her feel better. I open my phone and go onto social media to kill some time. Before I know it an hour has gone by. I start to wake Stella.

"Do you want to eat something?"

"No, not hungry."

"Are you sure, can you at least try and have some toast."

"Ok, I'll try." I pick Stella up and bring her downstairs to the couch putting on a cartoon. I made her toast with butter. She wasn't eating it even though I was trying to bribe her into eating it. We are laying on the couch and Stella hunched over and threw up. I knew it wasn't normal because it looked like blood. 

"Stella, baby, we are going to go to the hospital." I say getting more and more worried.

"Ok." She replied while coughing up a little more blood. We got to the hospital and I run into the ER.

"Hi, I need a doctor for my daughter she is coughing up blood." I say to a nurse.

"Ok, go to the bed over there and we will have a doctor in no time." she said back to me while i walked to the bed that she pointed to. I see a doctor walk over to us.

"Hi I'm Dr.Webber, what seems to be wrong?"

"Hi, before I tell you would it be possible if we could go into a private room before the paparazzi gets all over me?"

"Sure but can I get your and your daughters names first?"

"I'm Ellen Pompeo and this is my daughter Stella Pompeo." He rights down our names in an electronic chart and we got moved to a private room.

"Ok, so what is the problem?" I explain to him what was wrong with Stella and he starts to check her abdomen.

"There seems to be some inflammation over McBurney's point. Lets get a portable ultra sound to see if it is the appendix," He says to the intern. After a few minutes the intern comes back and they look on the ultra sound together. "Ok so it looks like she has an inflamed appendix, and because she is coughing up blood we are going to take her to surgery we just need your consent."

"Yes you have my consent just make her better."

"Ok we will be back in a half and hour to prep her for the OR."

"Alright, see you then" They left and I texted Shonda saying that I wouldn't be able to make it to work for the next week. She understood that I needed time off and told me it was fine.

Time jump: Stella is in surgery.

I see Patrick walking towards me so I got out of my chair and started walking away from him so I didn't have to talk to him. But to my dismay he caught up to me and pulled me into an On-Call room.

"I told you I don't want to talk to you again, what do you not get about that."

"Why are you in the hospital waiting room?"

"Stella is having an appendectomy, she is in surgery with Dr.Webber right now. So I don't have time for this."

"Is she ok?"

"Why would you care?" I asked pissed off.

"I'm sorry, I was upset and wasn't thinking about what I was saying."

"Well 'sorry' isn't going to cut it."

"Please just let me prove it." he begged.

"What is there to prove?"

"That I still want to be with you and that I didn't mean what I said"

"It's going to take some time but I guess we could try again."

"We will go slow."

"Yes very slow. I'm not sure if I can trust you again."

"Ok, can I sit with you while you wait on Stella? So you could have some company."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind that."    

The Surgeon and The Actress. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now