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Elle's POV
Then we heard a scream...

"Stella" I yelled running out side. I hear Patrick running behind me. I can't find her anywhere I'm starting to panic.

"What is Chris is here?" I mutter to myself.

"Who is Chris?" I hear Patrick ask.

"My ex-husband he's abusive physically and mentally. He has sexually abused me and Stella. That is why I got away he's been in jail and just go out this year."

"I'll go this way and you go that way we have to find her." That's the last thing I hear before I saw him. I stood there frozen not doing anything or saying anything. He has Stells in his arms. She was kicking and screaming. I just wanted to run up to her but I knew that would make it worse.

"Long time no see Ellen." That voice brought beck so many memories.

"Let her go." I beg him.

"No if I let her go I get you."

"Fine take me let her be."

"No El what are you doing?"

"I'm saving my girl. What do you want with me Christopher?"

"I want to have custody of my daughter."

"No you can't remember before you went to jail you signed papers those papers were to give up your rights to her. She is legally mine end will never be your daughter."

"How dare you trick me you filthy whore. Who's this your next man of the week? You really do like to get around you always have."

"I've never cheated on you how many times do I have to say it?"

"Whatever Ellen. Here's your kid sure she'll turn out just like her mother a useless, with zero education and can't make it on her own in the real world." He finally dropped her. Stella went running towards Patrick I told him to go inside. Now it's just me and Chris. I don't do anything because I know Patrick's already calling the police. We are just standing in silence starring at each other. I hear the back door open. Then Chris gets tackled to the ground and Patrick and Stella run up to me. I start sobbing into Patrick's arms after Chris left. Patrick is holding both me and Stella trying to comfort us both.

"I'm going to stay the night to make sure nothing happens." Patrick tells me.

"You don't have too." I insist.

"Ok" I give in. We go inside and start to watch a movie. Patrick gets up to start making dinner because Stells won't get off my lap she is too afraid that Chris will come back. After dinner I go upstairs to give Stella a bath and to give myself a shower. I told Stella that she could stay in my bed tonight. Patrick was about to go into the spare room.

"Stay, please don't leave." I told him patting to the side of the bed me and Stells weren't on.

"Ok are you sure."

"Yes because she will probably have a nightmare and same with me. I'll just feel safer if you're here and not in the other room."

"Ok whatever makes you feel safe." He replied back before coming into the bed with us. I'm spooning Stells and Patrick is spooning me. I'm asleep until I hear screaming coming from right next to me, it's Stella.

"Stella, Stella baby wake up it's not real it's ok I'm here for you no one is hurting you." I say while shaking her to wake up. She finally woke up and is crying in my arms while I'm trying to rock her back to sleep. Patrick also got up when I did and was doing the same thing. Now we are just sitting up and rocking her even after she falls back asleep.

"I don't think I can fall asleep." I tell Patrick.

"Ok do you want anything?"

"No just some company is nice I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there." I answer back truthfully.

"Well then I'm glad I was there."

"Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure what movie do you want to watch?"

"My favorite movie of all time Matilda." We turn on the TV and go onto Amazon Prime and start to watch the movie. Not even ten minutes in and I feel Stella squirm in my arms.

"Mommy can I stay up with you I can't sleep?" Stells asks me.

"Sure baby we're watching our favorite movie."

"Matilda yay!" She practically jumped up and down. We arch the whole movie. Before we know it we are all asleep.

The Surgeon and The Actress. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now