The Date

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Patrick's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about Ellen all night. I got ready and went to work as usual as ran into my best friend Eric.

"Hey" Eric mumbled.

"Hey" I replied happily.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I'm going on a date later."

"Finally, what has it been a year?"

"Shut up."

"Who are you going out with?"

"I'm not telling you and we are not going anywhere she is coming to my house with her little daughter."

"A child, she has a kid? Are you sure she's not married I mean the kid has to have a father."

"I know she is not married the dad just isn't in the picture." The Eric's pager goes off and I can see it says 911.

"I got to go." Was the last thing I hear before he dashed away leaving me Aldine in the hall way.

Time jump it is now 4:30

Ellen's POV

I'm just getting in my car to pick up Stella when I hear my phone ring.

"Hello Patrick." I say smiling.

"Hey I'm at the store is there anything you or Stella are allergic to?"

"We are both allergic to peanuts and tree nuts but that's all. Do you need me to get or bring anything?"

"Just yourselves everything else is on me."

"Are you sure?"

"One hundred present."

"Ok see you at six."

"Alright see you then." was the last thing he said before I pulled up to the preschool. We go home to get ready . I found one of Stells cutest little dresses and put her in it now time for me. I ended up picking a maroon dress with a deep V and white tennis shoes. (The picture above) I also settle on my hair up just because I will probably have to run after Stells a lot so there is no point in keeping it down. I feel my phone vibrate in my hand it is a text from Patrick.

Here's my address 283 Brook Ave. (random address)

I quickly reply Ok thanks we are just about to leave.

A few moments later he says Can't wait!

I get Stella into the car and plug in the address Patrick gave me. We get there in about 10 minutes. He lives in a beautiful two-story home with bricks on the outside. We go up to the door and knock. Stells is excited she loves meeting new people. The door swung open and they're still Patrick.

" look beautiful, come in."

"You don't look to bad yourself."

"You look beautiful just like your mommy." Patrick said to Stella, using a childish voice, making me blush to a deep pink color. We go in and I see a delightful place setting. A red table cloth with white China and a plastic plate for Stells.

"This looks beautiful." I complement.

"Well I figured since we aren't going out that I should make it special!" He replies. Stella is exploring the house and is trying to open doors.

"Stella come here, don't touch Patrick's things they aren't yours, if you want to see something ask him ok?"

"Ok", she turns he attention to Patrick and asks, "can I see that ball you have on the shelf?"

"Yeah no problem, this is from the World Series I caught it."

"Really that's so cool!" I smile seeing the conversation between the two of them. He really is great with her.

"Do you have any nieces or nephews? Cause you're really good with her." I curiously ask him.

"Yeah I have two older sisters they're both married and have kids." After that we sit at the table getting ready for dinner. Then Patrick comes out with a plate of chicken Parmesan with pasta.

"This look delicious." I say in amazement. We start to eat the food Stella is really liking it and so am I. Once we finish we went outside to the deck to let Stella run around while we talk.

"Sorry that she is running everywhere I'm she you're not used to this."

"I'm not but it's fine she is lovely company."

"Oh really, well I am having a great time and I think she is as well."

"So am I."

"Stella come here baby."

"Yes mommy."

"Patrick do you mind if I put her to sleep on your couch?"

"No problem you can use the guest room if you want."

"Alright I think I'll do that then. Let's go to sleep honey it's getting late," I tell her "I'll be right back she usually goes down quite quickly." Then I take Stella up the stares and change her into her pajamas. I told her a story and she was out like a light. I quietly make my way down stares and go back out to the deck.

"Hey she is asleep so now we can talk with out worrying about her."

"Ok do you like red or white wine?"

"Red please." A few minutes later he comes out with two glasses of red wine. I start to sip it slowly.

"So what do you do for fun?" He questions me.

"Well I just take care and play with Stells but other than that and work I like to run or exercise."

"Oh me too I love running and exercise maybe we could go for a run one day?"

"Sure I would love to all though I am quite fast I'm not sure you would me able to keep up." I say jokingly.

"Oh I think I will but can you is the real question."

"Well then what time tomorrow do you have work?"

"I'm off tomorrow."

"Me too. Do you want ant to go on a run at like 9 in the morning. I could get the baby sitter for Stells."

"Sure that would be great." We talk some more, about Stella, work, our families. Before we know it, it is 10:30.

"I think I should get Stella home but I'll see you at 8 tomorrow I'll send you my address so you can come to my house and we can have breakfast with Stells after."

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow." I went up stairs and got Stella to put her in the car. Once she is in I go to say goodbye to Patrick.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow." I say awkwardly. Instead of saying something back he leans into me and lifts my chin. I watch his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. Then he leans in and his lips are on mine. They are soft gentle but full of passion. His tongue goes over my bottom lip along for entrance and I grant it. We break away after a minute or so.

"I'll see you tomorrow." was all he said then turned and went back into his house. I couldn't say anything I was too pleased and shocked with the kiss to be able to so I just went to my car and drove home. I went to sleep thinking about him and about our run in the morning. I slowly drift off thinking about the kiss.

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