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I blink a few times, the morning light streaming through the open curtains in Harry's bedroom. My head was aching dully. I close my eyes and let out a breath, remembering last night's events: meeting 5 Seconds of Summer, seeing Harry with Camille, him telling me that he went to talk with her for the whole time I was hanging out with the others. I let out a breath and flip onto my back, trying not to let my insecurities get the best of me. 'You're nothing like Kendall or Camille, and you'll never be like them,' the little voice in the back of my head tells me. I groan and shake my head, sitting up. Harry wasn't there, I see a note along with some Advil and a glass of water. I quickly swallow the pills and chug the glass of water, my headache subsiding a little bit.

'Be back in a few, going to get breakfast.' The note says' Harry's handwriting a little messy, as if he wrote it in a hurry. I shrug and roll over to check my phone on the nightstand, trying to distract myself from the thoughts that are flooding my mind. 

4 Messages

The screen reads. I quickly glance at the time, 9:30 AM, it read. I swipe to check them and see a text from Calum and three from Jenna

From Cal: Here's the email that you can send your portfolio to she's our manager

To Cal: Thanks!

From Jenna: Hey are you still taking Cam and Lanie today? (8:30)

From Jenna: El? (9:00)

From Jenna: Sorry I realized you were probably sleeping. Text me when you wake up!

To Jenna: Sorry- yeah I was sleeping and Harry and I can watch them today we will be over at 10:30

From Jenna: Kk see you then! 

I get up quickly, my head spinning slightly from the sudden movement. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get myself together before taking out my phone to call Harry. 

"Hey baby, I'm almost home. How did you sleep?" He says, the sounds of his car echoing on the phone. 

"I slept well. Thanks for going to get breakfast. Uh Jenna had asked me to watch the kids today and I forgot. I'm so sorry. Do you mind spending today with them." I say feeling a little bit guilty for not telling him the upcoming plans.

"I think I have to go into the studio for a bit today, but I can drop you off and then come back to hang out with you guys for the rest of the day." He replies. 'He's probably going to go write about her.' The little voice in my head says. I quickly shake it off. He has to work as well, don't sweat it, I tell myself.

"Yeah that sounds good, sorry again I totally forgot." I realized that I also had forgot to tell him that I was offered a photography job, but that can wait for when we're in person.

"Okay see you in five, love." He says cheerily.

"Bye babes." I say and hang up the phone. I go back into Harry's room and pick out an outfit I have some basic clothes in a drawer here, and I'm sure I could put something presentable together. I scan the folded clothes, searching for something simple.I grad a pair of black jeans and look around for a shirt, but can't find one that I want to wear. Sighing I grab a bra and walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower. 

"El?" Harry's voice echos around the bathroom walls as I finish my shower, wrapping a towel around myself I exit the bathroom.

"Hi babes." I say my hair dripping slightly. He looks at me and smiles. 

"I brought breakfast up for you." His hand slips around my waist and he pecks my lips. "What time did you need to be at Jenna's?" 

"10:30 I say grabbing the clothes that I had laid on the bed. "Do you think I can borrow a shirt?" I ask. "I couldn't find anything in my drawer." He nods and motions to his closet. 

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