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The weeks had flown by. I was in over my head, balancing work with the photography business made everything fly by. I had gotten more recognition after working with Ariana. Shooting with some other artists, Niall being one of the biggest. Most recently, I had been contacted by NIKI's management, and we were starting to plan out the newest projects. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up with the schedule that I have. I feel bad not always being there for Jenna. I knew she could manage on her own, but I feel like my photography career has gotten to the point where I can work on that full time. It's now the week before Christmas and both Harry and I have some time off. 

"So, I was thinking," Harry says to me. My legs are draped over his and we sit on his couch, watching 'You'. "Maybe you could come to London for New Years?" His voice was hopeful. I look at him, excitement growing in my eyes.

"Really?" I say hopefully. I had always wanted to go to London, but just never had gotten around to it. Harry nods.

"I want you to meet my mum and Gemma," he says simply. I smile, my heart skips a beat. 

"I'd love to," I say, kissing him on the cheek and putting my arms around his neck. His hands spring to my waist in an immediate reaction. He smiles and me and kisses my lips with passion. We jump apart when we hear a bang from the TV, laughing because we forgot that the show was still on. Harry presses pause and turns to look at me.

"How did I get so lucky?" he asks, kissing me again. My body feels like it's melting into the couch, but I resist the temptation to keep going and pull away.

"Babes," I say, hugging Harry and resting my head on his shoulder. "How do you manage everything?" I ask. Things had been weighing on my mind this past week, and I wanted to ask Harry about them.

"What do you mean by everything?" he asks.

"Well I mean like your career and the fans, the hate. Everything like that," I explain. "I feel like my days are moving a million miles a minute while I try and balance everything. I'm even thinking about quitting the receptionist job, it's just all becoming too much," I say honestly. Harry nods, taking in my words. 

"I think you should baby," he says, looking me in the eyes. "You have a passion for photography and Jenna knows that, and she wants what's best for you, so seeing as your career in the photography world is starting to take off and you're starting to build your own brand. Maybe it's time to focus on that." What he said made a lot of sense, but I couldn't help feeling a pang of guilt. 

"I just feel bad. I don't want to abandon Jenna," I say, shrugging.

"Just talk to her about where you are right now, love. She's a damn good therapist, but no one is a mind reader. You need to let her know where you're at right now and then work something out with her." I nod, deciding that Harry was right. I have to talk to Jenna about all of this. After all, it's her business and she needs to know what's happening with me so that she can decide how to move forward.

"This feels so weird. I just hadn't even thought about leaving Moore when this all started, and now I'm going to talk to Jenna  about quitting to focus on my new career path," I say, shaking my head. Harry nods.

"You're doing big things baby," he says. "If you want to get a manager, I can help you out." I shake my head.

"I think once I have my schedule freed, I can do better at scheduling and everything for myself," I say, wanting to run things for myself for as long as I could. Harry shrugs.

"Okay babe," he says. I snuggle closer to him and take out my phone, texting Jenna to ask if she could meet for a meal tomorrow before turning it off and focusing on the show once again. 

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