Lazy days

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Two arms were loosely wrapped around me, our legs intertwined. I open my eye's and see Harry laying with me, sleeping soundly.  His brown curls defined by the light filtering in from the hastily drawn curtains. His breathing slow and steady.I move my head to look at the clock on the nightstand, it read 10:30 AM. I roll over cautiously, so that I didn't wake Harry, and check my phone. 

6 messages from MackZ


Picture message from MackZ

It was the piece of paper that Harry had signed for her. It read, 'Hey Mackenzie, Thank you so much for all of your love and support over the years. I hope we can meet one day. All the love, Harry xx'


From MackZ: seriously thank you so much you're the best big sister ever.

From MackZ: this honestly means the world to me.

From MackZ: also pau pau wanted to facetime you i'll be with her all day so call when you have time

To MackZ: hey i just woke up sorry. i'm not 100% sure on what im doing today but i'll let you know

I close my phone and turn around to see Harry smiling at me. "Good morning El." He says quietly, stretching his arms over head and yawning before pulling me a little closer.

"Morning Harry." I sigh snuggling into his chest. We lay there for a bit, my fingers absently tracing the tattoos on his arms while he closed his eyes for a few more moments. "My sister got your letter today." I look at Harry's face and he smirks at me.

"Oh yeah. What did she say?" He asked curiously. His morning voice raspy and deeper than normal. 

"She told me how I was a great big sister and that she loved me." Harry smiles and kisses my cheek. 

"Well you are a pretty great person so I think that Mack is lucky to have a sister like you." I smile at him and snuggle back into his chest, wanting a few extra moments with him. He remembered Mack's name. She would die when I told her that. 

After a few more minutes of cuddling, Harry and I got up and began getting ready for the day. "What should we do today?" I ask a half naked Harry who had just gotten out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his lower half and a tooth brush sticking out of his mouth. 

"I don't know love, do you have anything that you need or want to do?" I shake my head, eyeing my closet and trying to figure out what to wear. "Well I need to get a change of clothes from home if you'd like to come. I've just realized that we are over here a lot and you haven't seen my house yet." 

"Yeah I guess you're right. Well I don't have anything planned. All I have to do is FaceTime my Pau Pau for a bit, but I can do that when we aren't hanging out." Harry gives me a funny look.

"I want to meet her." He smirks at my reaction before shrugging. "Why not? She seems like a cool person. Well why don't we go back to my house and we can have a relaxing day. I really want to show you my house." 

"Okay sounds good." I walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek, he smiles and goes back into the bathroom to finish brushing up. Neither of us has really talk about last night, which was amazing, but sometimes good things don't have to be expressed through words. I continue rummaging through my closet, still semi lost in my thoughts. I know that Jenna and Mack had both said taking it slow was my best bet, and if Harry was using me to get over Camille he'd just hit and quit, but everything that he had said in the car the night before had made me throw caution to the wind. Should I be so rash? I feel like most of my decisions are pretty soundly thought through, but Harry made everything so different. Being with him was easy. I never felt like I had to sensor myself around him which is strange because I was a fan of his and all, but I never felt like he'd judge me for anything I had to offer. I think that being with him brings out the best version of me. I wasn't a filtered version of myself around him. I was just El. 

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