Talk Fast

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I take a breath, my foot steps slow on the white pathway up to the door. I can hear my heart beat quicken and my palms get clammy. What could Harry have wanted to talk to me about? How am I gonna mention the fact that I'm pregnant with his baby? My mind whirls and I stop at the door, pulling out my phone to look at myself before knocking on the door. My hair is in a half up half down, no makeup and sweats. I had just gotten off a plane, so what else could I do? I sigh and put my phone in my back pocket. I step up to the door, sucking in another breath before knocking on the door. 

One... Two... Three... I stand back and cross my arms over my chest. My hand flicks to my pocket, making sure that I had the tests and all. The door creeks slightly and moves to reveal Harry. He's also in sweats, his hair slightly disheveled and he looked like he had just gotten up. "Hey," he mutters, running a hand through his hair.

"Hey," I say, smiling weakly. He gestures for me to come in and I oblige. "So do you want to go first?" I silently hope that he does because I couldn't bring myself to tell the man I still love that I'm having his baby when I don't know if he still loves me. 

"Uh, yeah I can go," Harry says, gesturing to the couch next to his nest of blankets he must've gotten up from. I sit on the edge of the cushion, my nerves over taking me. I had no idea what he wanted to say. I sit, staring at him as he takes in my posture. My legs are bouncing up and down as I wait for him to speak. "Well, I just wanted to start by saying I'm sorry. I've been reflecting and processing and I know it was unfair of me to give you an ultimatum like that. I was being selfish and I know that now." My heart flutters and legs stop bouncing. He was sorry, does that mean? "And I wanted to ask if we could give it a go." I smile up at him, my anxiety melting away for a split second. 

"I would love that, but I think my news might change a few things," I say, remembering the whole reason that I came here to talk to him. My anxiousness returns and I bite my lip. "Um- Well I'm actually pregnant." I look down at my feet, not wanting to see the look on Harrys face. There's silence and I look up to try and gage Harry's expression. He stands there with a wide eyed grin.

"Really?" he asks, the excitement in his voice calming my anxiety once again. I nod and smile at him, relieved he was happy about it. "I- well are you going to keep it?" The grin fades as he realizes that there's a chance I won't want to keep it. 

"I- I don't know," I say quietly. Harry's face falls completely and I look down. "I wanted to talk to you about it because I think that we should decide together. If I'm honest, I needed to see what you thought because I didn't know if I could raise it alone if-" 

Harry cuts me off, "The past weeks have been awful without you. Especially because I had to release the album and put on a happy face for everyone. I didn't say anything about the breakup because I wanted to tell you how my feelings have changed." I smile at him, my eyes pricking with tears. Harry still loved me. 

"I love you," I say for the first time in weeks. A grin crosses his face and his arms wrap around me. He pulls me into a kiss. 

"I love you too," he says as he pulls away. He puts a hand on my stomach. "And I love you too little one." I smile at the sight. It was crazy that we would have a family so soon, but I was excited for what's to come. 

"We should make a doctors appointment," I say, pulling out my phone.

"We should move in together," Harry says. I stop and look up at him in disbelief. "We're having a baby, El." He shrugs. "Now is a good time. We can start looking for houses."

"Harry, you have a house already," I say, my eyebrows scrunching. 

"I want it to be ours, not mine. I want to start our family in our house," he says. I smile at him. My heart fluttering at his words. 

"Okay," I say, looking up at him. He grins at me before wrapping me in his arms around me. We cuddle while I schedule an appointment with the doctors office. Everything felt complete. Harry was mine and our baby was going to be born with parents that loved it as much as they loved each other. 


hey guys! this is a short update, but i think that beachwood will be coming to an end soon. beachwook has 1.2k reads which feels crazy! thank you for all of your support. i hope you enjoyed the update and i'll talk to you soon!

all the love, 


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