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Harry's brown curls glow in the early afternoon sun light. The sun was shining through the window as we sat and ate our lunches. "So El, tell me about yourself," Harry says, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Well I mean there's not a ton to the story, but I guess a basic summary would suffice. I was born and raised in San Francisco. Both of my parents grew up there, and I'm the first in my family to leave Nor Cal." Harry raised his eyebrows slightly before nodding. "I have a little sister, Mackenzie, who's a junior in high school. Um I went to UCLA for film and photography, and I started working for Jenna freshman year of college and I've been there ever since. Jenna and her family have become a surrogate family for me since I can't really go up and visit my parents as often as I'd like." I finish, sighing a little bit.

Harry's eyes soften at my last words. "I completely understand love, it's hard to be away from family for so long, but why can't you go up more often? if you don't mind me asking of course." 

"Oh no it's okay. I've just been busy with work, and honestly I've been a bit embarrassed." He looks at me inquisitively. "I just feel a bit weird with my parents because they were kind of opposed to me majoring in film. They wanted me to do something more practical. Don't get me wrong. I love my parents, but I just can't face them without a job in the industry. The fact that I've been a receptionist for the past four and a half years will be difficult to tell them. They really don't know what I'm doing right now because I don't really talk to them very much. Only with my sister. I'm supporting myself and everything. They know that they don't have to take care of me, which is probably why they aren't worries about me not calling." I shrug. Harry nods and takes a sip of water. "Sorry I didn't mean to bombard you with personal stuff so early into this da- lunch." I correct myself. 

He smirks, "It's a date love, don't get it twisted." I laugh and steal a fry from his plate. "Hey!" Harry had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Fries before guys my love." I say sweetly before popping it into my mouth. "So since I gave you a life summary, it's only fair that you give me one as well?" I smile hoping that he'll comply. 

"Well, I feel like a lot of it is public knowledge, but I guess I can give you a little run down. I'm from Cheshire England, I have an older sister, Gemma. She's pretty sassy at times but I love her all the same. Erm well I never really felt like school was where I was supposed to be, so I took a chance and auditioned for X-Factor and well yeah, but before all that I worked at a bakery and had a pretty average life." He shrugged and I nodded.

"It must be odd going from working at a bakery to the fame you have now." Harry nods, something in his eyes seem a little distant. 

"I mean it's always been so public. My whole life has been put on show for the past eight years, and it's weird to think of it any other way, but sometimes I just have what if moments." His eyes softened as his gaze shifted from mine. My hand reaches for his on the table before I can really think, and I give it a squeeze.

"You know what, if you ever want a slice of normal, my door is wide open." He looks back at me and smiles. I pull out my phone and type in my address before sending it to him. "Here, come over whenever, I'm normally home unless I'm at work, just text me and let me know if you ever decide to come. My life is almost too normal, so you're welcome to it any time." I laugh a little bit at the last part and so does Harry.

"Well I will definitely take you up on that one El." His dimple appears once more.


The rest of the date was really nice. Harry and I had a lot in common, but a good balance of differences as well. On the way back to the office he gave me his phone to play music. I quickly type in 'Kid Bloom' and click on the song 'Electric U'. The beat starts and I sing and shimmy in the passenger seat. Harry looks over laughing at me. "I don't think I've ever heard this song. Can you like it for me?" I nod, not pausing the singing or dancing while I swipe the song on his phone. He grins at me, "Beautiful" he murmurs wile redirecting his gaze to the road. I pretended not to hear him. 

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