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The sun breaking through the open curtains woke me up. I rub my eyes and slowly open them, feeling my head pound. I quickly close them again, the light hurting. I groan and flip over in the silky sheets. Harry and I had stayed over, both too drunk to drive home. I think all of the boys did actually, both 5SOS and One Direction. "Morning baby," Harry mutters, probably pretty hung over too. I flip to look at him, my eyes squinted to block out most of the light. He laying on his side, facing me. His shoulders illuminated by the light from the open window. 

"Morning," I mumble, snuggling into his embrace. "Niall's guest bed is insanely comfy." I close my eyes again and take in a breath, smelling Harry's cologne mixed with Niall's detergent. 

"We should probably get up soon babe, it's 9:30 and we can't stay at Niall's all day," Harry whispers to me. Maybe he wasn't as hung over as I was, which makes sense because his tolerance was a lot higher than mine. I let out a sigh and flop onto my back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay," I huff, rolling to the edge of the bed before realizing that I wasn't wearing any clothes. "Can you pass me my dress? I want to throw up or at least dry heave in the bathroom to make sure I don't when we get in the car." Harry looks at me, slightly concerned, but tosses me the red dress and my undergarments from his side of the bed. I pull them on as quickly as I can before going into the bathroom to look at how terrible I look. I must say, sleeping in makeup is not a pretty sight for the morning. 

Sighing, I splash my face with some cold water to try and wake myself up and get rid of some of last nights makeup. I dry my face on a towel before looking into the mirror. There were some dark splotches from my mascara, but more of my makeup was gone. I see some makeup remover wipes that I grab and use to wipe away the rest of my smudges. Then I gag slightly and decide to sit by the toilet. There's a knock at the bathroom door, but my head was pounding too hard to get back up. The door opens anyways and in walks Harry. I look up at him blearily from my seat by the toilet. He comes to sit with me. "How are you feeling baby?" he says softly, rubbing circles on my back. 

"Like shit," I say hunching over the toilet and throwing up the small amount that my stomach held. Harry keeps rubbing my back and holds my hair back. "Better now," I say wiping my mouth on a square of toilet paper and flushing the toilet before leaning against the wall.

"Here," Harry says, handing me a toothbrush. "After you're done with that, I brought some water and Advil for you." He gestures to the glass and two green gel pills on the counter. I take the toothbrush, eager to get the taste of bile out of my mouth.

"Thank you," I say through a mouthful of toothpaste. "I'm not drinking for a little while." I shake my head. Harry laughs.

"That's what they all say," he says, shaking his finger at me. I give him a weird look, but just keep brushing my teeth. "So I was thinking, maybe we could go to the studio today, and I could show you what I've been working on?" Harry's eyes look hopeful. My heart jumps, and I smile at him, the toothbrush still in my mouth. 

"Aww babe," I say, barely understandable.

"I know, I know," Harry says. "I'm the best boyfriend ever." I roll my eyes playfully at him and spit my toothpaste foam out.

"You know, that was such a cute moment until your ego ruined it," I say, pointing my toothbrush at him. 

"Oh you know you love it," he says as I rinse my mouth with water from the sink. 

"Mmmm," I say, drinking water and swallowing the Advil that Harry had brought me. "I think this is the roughest hangover I've had since senior night back in high school. And that time, Claire and I drank like half a bottle of vodka together at a party." Harry chuckles at me. 

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