Chapter 2: Sykkuno

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“You needed me sir.?” 

I asked the leader before me. At first I didn’t notice the other person before me and immediately apologized as I saw the clothes he was wearing. 

“I-I am so sorry for not introducing myself. I am Hitman #13 from the South Wing under Leader Jack. My trainee was Valkyrae-” 

“It’s alright Sykkuno lift your head. He already knows about you.” Jack told me as he laid back in his seat. “O-Oh” 

“So, Corpse. How do you see him?” I felt a shiver run up my spine as I heard those words. Jack knew what he was doing by wording the words as is. I lightly glared at Jack and as he saw my reaction he chuckled a little and then asked this man named Corpse once again. 

“He seems too shy. Do you think he can do the work properly.?”

As I heard his voice I was a little shocked but nothing half as new. The thing that put me on edge was the fact he was underestimating me. As I was about to put him in place I heard the door I had come in from open once again. 

“Oh he’s more than capable of doing the job. Corpse.” 

The voice I have heard my whole time I was here has been heard once again. I look up to see Felix walking in from the door. He wore a Black jacket with a red tie. He walked past me and stood next to Jack. 

“So these are the two that are going to be the new group huh?” 

“Yeah, they don’t seem to be getting along quite well” 

“Why don’t we let them take it out on each other in the other room?”

“Beautiful Idea Felix.”

They both grinned at each other and immediately looked at both of us with blood lust filled eyes. Chills..all I could feel was the bloodlust but as they expected we didn’t cowar from the scene. 

They signaled us to follow them into a room. In that room there was any possible weapon I’ve ever seen. Sadly we couldn’t use them since this was just a combat test. The man that would be my new partner was named Corpse huh? I’ve heard about him and all the things he has done. In my opinion he is outstanding for being able to do most deadly missions by himself. The thing that didn’t surprise me though was the fact he wasn’t fully capable of covering his tracks while doing the hit. I chuckled to myself as I thought about him getting caught and a whole team having to rescue him. 

When we finished walking through the weapon room we finally entered an empty room. Attached to it was another room that I suppose was a room to observe someone. Jack and Felix were both in that room before me and Corpse could enter. 

“Take off your jackets and leave them somewhere” Jack told us both with a heavy Irish accent. I was the first one to take it off and it seemed to catch Corpse off guard. I wasn’t gonna go easy on him..I threw my jacket at him making sure not to let him take his off. As I expected he dodge it and went straight for my stomach to knock me down. It felt like every instinct of mine was working better than ever. Every movement Corpse made, I could see. I jumped over him which made him lose his balance. 

“Fuck..” Corpse seemed to have a hard time keeping up with my agility. As the battle went on he seemed to be getting used to my speed. I was about to go in for his legs until he grabbed me by the wrist. For the first time in ages I was filled with fear. I tried my hardest to struggle free but it was inedible to try to escape him. He tackled me onto the floor with brute force. A grunt had escaped my mouth as I was slammed onto the concrete floor. I kept struggling until Felix came out and called the fight over. 

“Heh turns out a little peep squeak caught me off guard. I think we can work something out..Jack.” 

As he said those words he turned around and left the room that now only me and Jack were in. 

“Jack. He’s a scary man isn’t he.?” 

“Yes indeed he is. You did a good job on keeping up with him though.” 

“Thanks Jack.” 

Jack reached over to me and ruffled my hair to try to reassure myself that I did good either way. 


I was walking towards the sleeping ward until I heard Rae scream my name. I turned around just in time to dodge a flying Rae. 

“Owww why couldn’t you be my cushion instead of this person.” She said as she pushed away the person that was in front of me. 

“Rae what are you doing here? And most importantly..Are you alright?!” I ask worriedly looking at Rae who was covered in blood but seemed to be moving completely fine. 

“I’m completely fine. I just finished doing a hit with Toast, that's all.”

I was about to complain until I saw an also bloody Toast stand next to Rae. 

“Was the hit really that bloody.?” I ask with confusion as I tilted my head slightly. 

“Yes!” “No.” Toast and Rae said at the same time. “It definitely was Toast!” “No, no it wasn’t YOU where the one who made it more bloody than it was supposed to be!” Rae glared at Toast and with a swoop she had already had him on the floor in front of me. 

“W-wha Rae!!?” 

“Don’t worry he’ll be fine. Either way we have to go clean up and file the report.” As Rae said that she had already started walking while dragging a half dead and bloodied Toast down the hall. 

“Tch must be tough being him.” 

The sudden voice catches me off guard that I jump a few steps forward and immediately turn around. There standing was the same person that had beat me at combat. Mr. Corpse. 

“Wait- What are you wearing?” I ask half confused as the sudden shock subsided. 

“Oh you mean this?” he said while pointing to his mask. 

“Yeah that. Why are you wearing it? You didn’t use it when I saw yo-” before I could finish my sentence I was dragged into a little dark room. 

“Don’t talk.” I heard Corpse say in almost a low growl. He had his hand over my mouth as we were both alone in this small cramped room. 

“There’s no one here?” 

“I could have sworn that I heard voices.” 

“What are you hearing now. Voices? Please you maniac there’s no one here.” 

“Ugh whatever let’s go.” 

Until Corpse and I heard silence on the other side of the door he let go of me and opened the door. 

“Sorry I forgot to tell you people were walking around that didn’t belong to the Mafia. I’m guessing neither Toast or Rae told you huh?” 

“Uh- Yeah and thanks Corpse.” I was rubbing the back of my neck until I heard a sound once again. It seemed like he noticed too since he looked at the place the sound came from. As soon as me and him were about to dash we felt arms wrap around us and drag us somewhere. 

“Stay as quiet as you can.”

“Hell is about to go down.” 

- Welp where  could they be
- Thank You for reading >:3

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