Start from the beginning

„Do you think...I will be?" Hyun-soo asked and everyone went silent.

Hyun-soo POV

Later the night Ji-soo woke Hyun-soo and Mi-Sun up because it was their turn to guard the door.

They get up and went to sit near the door while Ji-soo laid down by Jae Heon.

Mi-Sun was just starring at the door without saying anything which noticed Hyun-soo and find it a bit strange but then realized why she was like this probably.

„I'm infected.." he said. She looked down to her hands as she played with her fingers, „I know.." she mumbles quietly and he looked at her.

„If I turn, please kill me.." he said, she looked up at him and both locked eyes with each other. „You really wanna die this badly, huh?" she asked and scoffs softly as she looked away again from him.

„What?" he asked confused. „I know that you wanted to jump yesterday as we met...but you didn't, why? If you really wanna die so bad then why didn't you already killed yourself?" she asked and he looked now away as well from her.

He didn't know why he didn't jump, was it really her who hold him back from that? Does he really wanna die badly?

„I don't know why I didn't do it already..." he said quietly. „Because you want to live..that's why. You tell yourself that your life doesn't make sense anymore..you don't feel your life is worth the fight til the end. But one part deep inside you want to live...it stops you from jumping because this part ask itself what will happen when all this shit is over...it want to live because it want this happy ending...one small moment can change your whole perspective on your life. I was just like you three years ago, I was 16 and it was the first time I realized how bad my life actually is...my mom left me at a young age after my dad lost his job because he saved a kid and lost his leg, she took my brother away from me, my father started to drink and lost his smile, I needed to earn money so that my dad and I can survive, I had five jobs and had school and were getting bullied there because I was so 'poor', I was all day gone and couldn't help my dad. I didn't felt like myself anymore, everything was cold and dark...but I didn't give up" She told him and he looked at her lightly surprised as he saw a little tear running down her cheek.

He couldn't believe that she felt so miserably, how he get to know her, she was always smiling and thought positive.

„I didn't expect that.." he said and she chuckles quietly and wipes the tear away. „I know right? I really almost gave up until I found the reason i wanted to live so badly...I wanted to bring the smile of my dad back, I wanted to help him out of the hole he was even though I was in there as well...and I also wanted to have a future...i wanted to have a family on my own with a handsome husband and two children.." she said and he laughed lightly at that.

As Mi-Sun heard his laugh, she turned her head to him and looked at him surprised. „Were you really laughing at me??" she asked with a big smile on her lips. He looked at her and had also a small smile on his lips „Yes, I guess so.." he sighed still smiling.

She slapped his arm suddenly and he groans lightly as he put his hand over the spot she hit him before laughing softly again. „What? Handsome Husband? What do you have for expectations?" he asked and she then laughed as well.

„You're Right. I really have big expectations and imagination. I mean I still imagine that we come all out here alive and that everything is normal again.." she said and get slowly serious again as she let out a small sigh. „Thanks..." he suddenly said and she frowns softly, „for what? Hitting you?" she asked and he let out a chuckle and shakes his head.

„No, for this talk...I didn't talk with anyone a while so much like I did with you just now...and for today, I...I couldn't have saved the kids without you..thank you for caring for me, I didn't had this for long.." he said and she started to smile.

„When you need someone to talk with you, I'm here for you...I guess we will be stuck together with each other now for a while.." she said and smiled at him.

„What is actually your name? I never asked you that.." he said and she chuckles softly as she realized that as well. „Mi-Sun, Han Mi-Sun" she said and nodded her head.

He smiled a little and looked down to his hands. „The name suits you.." he said what confused her a little. „Why That?" she asked.

„Mi-Sun means Beauty and goodness, right? You're all that, you're the first person in a while which company I don't mind.." he said what left her heart beating faster as usual.

„I don't mind your company As well, I guess we will be a good team, huh?" she asked and chuckles softly.


Sooo how did you liked the chapter?

And sorry that I am so inactive in the moment, I guess I'm not really motivated but I try my best to change that! Anyways I wanted to thank everyone who gave me ideas for a weapon for Mi-Sun but now I need your help again because I'm terrible at choosing, ok so below here I will write the different weapons, which you gave me and you have to ‚vote' which one you liked the most in which you comment a star at the weapon, that would be amazing if you could do that😂💜

Bow and Arrow

Electrical metal staff

Two scythes in every hand, with a button to electrocute monsters.



Forearm blade sword

See y'all in the next chapter!!💜

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