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Mi-Sun POV

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Mi-Sun POV

"There are nine of us in favor and eight in opposed. If one of the last two ballots is in favor, he'll be ousted." Eun-hyuk told everyone as he wrote it on a blackboard while Mi-Sun was standing by Ji-soo and Jae Heon after they took Hyun-soo to the room back were he woke up in.

"Seven People opposed?" Suk-Hyun asked as he took the postie from the table and looked through them. "Are you guys crazy?!" He asked and looked at everyone. "Opposed. It's eight to eight" Eun-hyuk continued as he took one of the last two postis and raised the piece of paper.

Suk-Hyun cursed under his breath before looking to his wife. "Did you oppose?" He asked what caused that his wife immediately shakes her head. "No I didn't." She said with big eyes.

"All the bitches and bastards on his side should all be thrown out!" Suk-hyun walked up to Ji-soo, Jae Heon and Mi-Sun.

"Hey, mister! You calm the fuck down." Ji-soo said while crossing her arms in anger.

„Don't get worked up yet. This last vote will determine the result." Mi-Sun heard Eun-Hyuk his voice, she looked to him and saw him picking up the last piece of paper while his expression remained unchanged as he looked at it and held it up to the crowd.

Everyone watched him as he did thatand Mi-Sun got more and more nervous, she couldn't let him leave, over all let him die. She knew he was good and that he isn't a monster like the ones both saw up in the hallways of the apartments. He was different...

She broke away from her thoughts as she saw Eun-hyuk lifting the piece of paper to all of them to show him that Someone draw a circle and a cross.

„Invalid" Eun-Hyuk spoke causing her to let out a sigh of relief as she rested her head on Ji-soo her shoulder who put an arm around her and hugs her to herself. „It's alright" Ji-soo talks to her and Mi-Sun nodded her head.

„No way. Hey, bring that bastard here." Suk-Hyun yelled as he went up to Eun-hyuk and ripped the piece of paper away from him to take a closer look before turning to the others again and looking at his employee.

He looked at him in shook as he flinched from the outbursts his boss. „Y-you mean me?" asked Byeong-II and pointed at himself.

„Yes! We have to get rid of him as fast as we can!" Suk-Hyun demanded and Mi-Sun widened her eyes and pulled back from Ji-soo as she wanted to stop them. „What? No!" she said as she went to him but Byeong-II just went past her after giving her a pity look.

„Voting, my ass." Suk-Hyun throw the piece of paper on the floor. „Are you all crazy? Did you already forgot that someone died?" he yelled at all of them.

Mi-Sun suddenly felt a grip on her wrist before she felt someone pulling her to their side, she looked up just to see Eun-Hyuk giving her a look that she should stay here before he looks back to Suk-Hyun.

„Are you against the result?" he asked calmly and Mi-Sun her gaze turned as well again to the old men. „What? 'Taking part in murder'? Murder is killing a human being! Not killing a giant fucking monster!" he exploded and threw the table to the floor.

„So you mean something like you?" Mi-Sun now asked as she saw how his nose started to bleed like she saw before by Hyun-soo, causing the whole room to stand in fear as they watched the whole situation.

Everyone started to get in panic by the sight, everyone backed away from him as more blood was flowing out of his nose.

„Th-this is just because I'm tired...." he quickly explained, when he walked up to the group as they quickly backed away again. „I-I'm just tired! I mean...I...I was upset!"

Mi-Sun felt Eun-Hyuk pushing her more behind him, she just let him as she watched the whole situation over his shoulder.

„Brace yourself." A voice said.

Mi-Sun and Eun-Hyuk turned towards the voice, Hyun was standing in the doorway as he watched Suk-Hyun.

„What?" the old men mumbled into his hand with which he was trying to hold back all the blood.

„Monsters Are coming for you" Hyun-soo spoke provocative, glaring at the man before him. „You son of a bitch!" Suk-Hyun spoke with gritted teeth.

The crowd watched the teen cautiously til the realization of two monsters in the same room hit them as Hyun-soo walked through the crowd.

Mi-Sun watched Hyun-soo kneeling down on the floor, picking up two posties as he drew a circle and reached for the box with a smile on his lips, this literally wasn't the Hyun-soo she get to know.

„Do i have the right to vote? If I put this in, he'll be thrown out with me, right? Am i Right?" Hyun-soo asked when he looked up to them again and his eyes were pitch black.

Mi-Sun gasped as now also Suk-Hyun fell unconscious to the floor. „Lock both in the old storage room and let no one in" Eun-Hyuk demanded calmly and Mi-Sun immediately frowned and looked up to him.

„What did you say? Locking them in? You can't lock Hyun-soo in Eun-hyuk!" Mi-Sun said as then Seung-Wan, Byeong-II and Jae-Hwan grabbed Hyun-soo and Suk-Hyun to bring them.

„I can. They're are infected Mi-Sun, they could turn every second and kill us so we have to stay safe. Be happy that we don't kill him." He said emotionless and Mi-Sun stopped in her tracks and looked at him taken back before her fist balled together and she looked at him angry.

„You're such an asshole, you know That? I thought you were on our side but I guess I was just imagine something when it came to you...nothing new I guess" she hissed before walking past him but not without hitting her shoulder against his.

He sighed as he looked after her and did the same failure like one time.


Ohhh what is going on there by Eun-hyuk and Mi-Sun?👀

Anyways, how's you like the chapter? Write me your opinion in the comments and leave a vote it'll make my day!

See y'all next chapter!!💜

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