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____________________Eun-hyuk POV

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Eun-hyuk POV

"Of course not! He is just a friend to me!" she said and even though she thinks she said the truth, her eyes told him another story.

He frowns slightly but then nodded.

'Is she lying to me? Or is she lying to herself?'

„I should go now I have to learn with Yeong-Su" she said as she got up from the stairs and dusted off her pants. She gave him a last small smile before leaving to the Daycare. Eun-Hyuk stayed back as he still had a slight frown on his face.

„Eun-hyuk you are so stupid.." he sighs as he goes through his hair. „Why did you let her go? Why didn't you were selfish for once and let her be with you?" He scoffs frustrated at himself and closed his eyes for a second as he suddenly remembered the day she confessed to him.

One and a half year ago

Mi-Sun and Eun-hyuk were in their last year of high school and inseparable as ever. Mi-Sun seemed more happy than ever on this day and that was something special for him because since he knew her, she barely smiled.

Especially after last year after the accident, she was called freak because of it. She always got bullied from the popular girls because of her father who sat in a wheelchair and because she wasn't someone with much money. They always found a reason to make her life a hell and Eun-hyuk hated to just watch, he always wanted to stand up for her and protect her but he couldn't, he didn't dared to because he was scared.

She was the one that always protected him after they become friends, she always comforted him by telling him that he didn't needed to protect her because she can protect herself, but he knew how horrible she felt anytime she was alone. She always put a mask on when she is under people, she tries to smile and laugh no matter how bad she actually felt.

A long time he didn't realized her pain, he believed her, until the accident with his parents. He realized her pain because he felt the same, he realized how strong she always has to be for her father because he has to be the same for Eun-yoo.

Last year was a horrible year for both of them. After his parents died, he started pushing her away from him all the time she tried to comfort him or tried to be there for him. He hated it, even though he knew she understands him he couldn't look at her anymore. Everything angers  him at that time, he noticed how she became like that before they became friends.

She lost her sweet smile again, came to school weak and tired, ate nothing, hardly slept, the bullying got worse, she didn't got just mentally bullied anymore but also  physically and let them just do. She didn't stand up for herself any longer and was all the time alone.

HUMAN ANCHOR | Hyun-soo & Eun-hyuk Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora