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One day Later

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One day Later

Mi-Sun POV

It was the next day and Mi-Sun was sitting on the bed with Su-Yeong as she was braiding the hair from the little girl, when her father suddenly called her. Mi-Sun and Su-Yeong looked at each other and furrowed their eyebrows before Mi-Sun got up from the bed and went to the table where her father was sitting.

„Yes Appa?" she asked and smiled. Du-Sik looked up from his table to his daughter and gave her a smile back before putting the tools he was holding down. „Good you're here, so I already updated the bat from Ji-soo and also made Jae Heon a shield for his blade so I got the idea to also made you a weapon, the gun isn't safe how you already noticed because it has like the other gun just a few shots so I made you this, it's two blade scythes. They both have a shot gun like the spear of Hyun-soo, to use it you have to push this buttons." he explained to his daughter and showed her the weapon he made for her.

„Thank you Dad, they're amazing!" She Said as she looked at the weapons and took them as they then suddenly could hear a noise coming from the loudspeaker in the apartment.


No one's POV

„Survivors, the first floor is save now, come to the first floor and take any food with you. We'll be safer together, we survivors must stick together. Please come down. Come down here now. I repeat—" an announcement came through the whole house.


Later that day Ji-soo and Jae Heon decided that they wanted to go down and look if the announcement was really true. "You really can't trust that announcement. Are you really gonna be ok? " Said Du-sik as all of them stand by the door as the both wanted to leave.

"Yeah don't worry, we can't keep sponging off you. We should do something." Said Ji-soo with a smile. "Thank you for the meals and this, may god bless you." Jae Heon said and pointed to his shield, Du-sik had made for him.

"Me and my daughter are Buddhist." He said and it went silent for a second. "If the first floor is safe, we'll come back to get you." Ji-soo said and Du-sik sighed.

"Don't make a promise you can't keep. I think I should say farewell now." He said and waved to both.

"You know someone once said that even the thickest darkness. Disappears with the faintest light." Ji-soo said.

"Is the person who said that still alive?" Du-sik asked again and Mi-Sun sighed at her fathers negative thoughts. "I'm not sure." Ji-soo chuckles slightly.

Hyun-soo then looked to Mi-Sun and remembered her on that what they talked with each other after the announcement and after they found out what Ji-soo and Jae Heon planned.

She nodded lightly and he took his spear and back bag of the floor. "So uh...can Mi-Sun and I go with the two of you?" Hyun-soo asked and looked at the two like Mi-Sun did as her father widened his eyes and turns to her and Hyun-soo.

"What did you just say??" He asked the boy and Mi-Sun now looked down to her father. "Dad I wanna go with them, It will be easier and saver to get down there with more then two and I want that you are save, ok? Maybe this announcement is really true and we met more survivors, it will be better then stay in this apartment and die because we don't have enough food.." she said and kneeled down to him as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"I guess four are really better then two, right?" Ji-soo asked and looked to Jae Heon who looked at her too while then nodding. "Of course." He answered and sighed lightly.

"Ok then go but please take care of you..ok?" He said and looked at his daughter as he just now realized how old she became. She smiled and nodded her head before she hugged him.

"I will, don't worry.." she mumbles softly before she get back up and took her two scythes which she put on her belt.

"Hyun-soo and Mi-Sun, you have to come back, okay?" Asked Yeong-su and looked at them both.

Hyun-soo smiled and looked back to him. "Okay" he answered. "Thank you so much for saving us." Su-Yeong said before she ran into Mi-Sun her arms and hugged her tightly.

Mi-Sun smiled and hugged her back as tight. "You have to be now strong for your brother, alright?" she whispered and kissed her head. "Shall we get going? We'll be back" Jae Heon said as he put one of his earphones in like the other three too after Mi-Sun let go of the younger girl as they went out of the apartment then.

Mi-Sun POV

"Can we really go downstairs like this? Shouldn't we grab something useful?" Asked Jae Heon as all four walked behind each other. "The most useful thing is our lives." Ji-soo said while walking down the stairs.

As they went further down, they found a dead body on the floor by a door. Mi-Sun shut her eyes closed and turned her head immediately away by the sight.

"It's a person" Ji-soo said as she walked to the body and kneeled down. "I'm relieved to see a corpse." Jae Heon said and kneeled down as well to the body. Mi-Sun gulps before opening her eyes again as she walked to the two as well and kneeled down to them.

"It's still warm." Ji-soo told them as she touched the body. "So that means he hasn't been dead for long, right?" Mi-Sun asked and looked up to Ji-soo who nodded slightly.

"Oh, god" Jae Heon mumbles under his breath and looked down as Ji-soo suddenly grabbed into the corpse pants pocket and took out a chocolate bar as she get up again and threw it to Hyun-soo who caught it out of reflex before looking at her a bit shocked. "Put it back if you don't want it" she said while looking at him without emotions.

"You're mean." He said softly in a whining tone as he looked down. "Yes, i am. I can do worse things to survive." She said and Hyun-soo put the snack into his pocket.

Mi-Sun slowly get up again from kneeling position as she watched the talk between both of them. "You both are two of us now." Ji-soo said as then Jae Heon get up again as well and looked to her. "Let's go." He said and then they both started going again.

Mi-Sun walked to Hyun-soo and lifted his chin a little so that he broke his gaze from the corpse and looked at her instead. "Don't look so much at it.." she whispered softly and he nodded lightly before she then started walking after them and then everything happened so fast as something pushed Hyun-soo over the stair railing and he was falling all the way down.

Mi-Sun widened her eyes in full terror as she and the other two looked down and saw him colliding with the floor as a scream from a girl could be heard.


Ok sooo here is update and really, I want to thank everyone for all the sweet feedback and the votes, I love you guys💜 and I'm so sorry that nothing came for so long I hope you all will continue reading and supporting the story!

I hope you liked the chapter, write me your opinion about it.

See y'all next chapter and leave a vote it will make my day!!💜

Credit idea goes to: @beaniebear55

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