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Mi-Sun POV

"Don't even try to stop me!" She warned Eun-hyuk as she then continues in walking after Hyun-soo.


„Hyun-soo.." she spoke softly as she arrived by the Storage room and found him sitting on the floor. She sighed softly before walking to him and sitting down next to him as she softly wrapped her arms around him and pulls him closer to herself for a hug as she felt him starting to sob quietly on her shoulder after a few seconds.

She bites her lips softly as she holds him close to herself and buried her face in his hair. „You aren't like him, alright? You are not bad...you are more good than most of us are..." she spoke to him as she gently rubbed his back up and down.

Hyun-soo POV

'Why am I crying in front of her?'

'Do I really trust her that much?'

'Why is she still so close by my side even after she saw what happened to the old men?'

'Does she really cares about me?'

All this questions were going through his head while he was wrapped in her arms and let out his frustration, she was the only warmth he felt since such a long time again. He was worried that she will leave him like everyone else did, he was afraid that she starts to see him as the monster he sees himself.

He don't want her to think bad about him, she was the only one that talked with him like nothing is wrong with him. She isn't questioning him and is just by his side and tries to make him smile.


He didn't smiled for so long. She was the reason for his smile again and she did it so easily. How? Why is he like that around her? Why does he feel like this with her?

'I-is it possible that I...I like her?'

Is it? His heart starts beating like crazy when she is close to him, when he feels her touch he immediately calms down and feels a tingling feeling in his stomach as well when she smiles at him, he couldn't do anything as smiling as well.

He sighed softly as he slowly stopped sobbing and gulped as he still stayed in her arms and just listened to her calm voice that told him that he wasn't bad. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he rested his head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat.

HUMAN ANCHOR | Hyun-soo & Eun-hyuk Where stories live. Discover now