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Mi-Sun POV

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Mi-Sun POV

After Mi-Sun told her Father to stay in the Apartment and as she grabbed the pastry roller, she slowly went out with shaky hands, closed eyes and a tight grip onto the roller as she suddenly heard someone running to her with a scream. She screams as well and was almost hitting the person on the head as she opened her eyes and saw the Boy from the roof and quickly stops in her tracks.

"Yah don't scare me like that! What the hell is wrong with you that you are coming running and screaming out of your apartment you idiot??" She said with a stern look on her face as she put down the pastry roller down.

Hyun-soo sighed relieved as he just saw her and put the stick part of a mop he broke down. "I'm sorry, really I-...th-this women that knocked on my door..d-did you saw her?" He asked, still shaken up from the moment ago. As he looked behind her and saw the massive puddle of blood, a scream left his lips.

Mi-Sun startled and turned quickly around, when she saw the blood as well, she jumped slightly behind him and covered her eyes when then footsteps were heard.

"Blood, there is a lot of blood." Said Pyong Sang-wook as he walked down the stairs and looked to the floor and then at the two teenagers. "Did you..see a weird woman just now?" He asked and Sang-wook looked at them before slowly walking up to them as suddenly Hyun-soo fell unconscious on the floor.

She widened her eyes in shock and looked at him with big eyes before at Sang-wook. "C-can you help me please carry him to his apartment?" She asked but he just looked her and didn't said anything.

"Please sir, I can't leave him here all alone." She said and that let him sigh before he lifts him up with ease over his shoulder and followed her to his apartment which door was luckily open.

They went in and Sang-wook let him down on his mattress before leaving the apartment again. Mi-Sun frowns slightly at him but stopped thinking about as she put a pillow under his head and looked at him for a moment.

He actually looked pretty handsome when she looked at him closely but she quickly shook her head on such a stupid thought as she then get up and went to the little kitchen he had there, she took a little bowl in which she filled water before taking a towel and walking back to him.

She kneeled down beside him as she slowly starts to wash off all the blood from his arms and the side of his face before then suddenly her phone starts to ring.

She quickly took it out and looked at the message.


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