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Mi-Sun POV

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Mi-Sun POV

Mi-Sun could hear a scream coming from the hallway and the others starting to get in panic. She looked to her father and let out a sigh by which her father just let out a chuckle. „Why That Face Princess?" he asked and looked at her with an amused smile because he could think why his daughter was like this.

„It's just training and Eun-Hyuk won't let me be part of it because I'm a real situation it would be 'too dangerous', I literally faced more monsters then him at first and who does he wanna say that to? Me? I kicked his ass in elementary school so many times that you couldn't count them!" she complained in a whining tone and get up from the table as she stumped her foot on the floor and balled her fists.

Du-sik immediately saw his 3 year old Mi-Sun by this sight and shakes his head smiling. „Maybe he is worried about you.." Du-Sik responded and wiggled his eyebrows by what his daughter just rolled her eyes.

„Yah! Don't think that way! He is just a douche again not more.." she pouted and crossed her arms as she then realized the loud noise in the hallway. She sighed before walking behind her dad as she started to push his wheelchair outside were everyone started to gather and Mi-Sun found Ji-soo in web trap.

She holds back a chuckle as she covered her mouth and looked away as she suddenly heard applause and cheers coming from Eun-Yoo that literally screamed sarcastic.

„This is just Great! Have fun." she spoke before getting up from the bench she was sitting on and then started to walk away from them. „Are they really siblings? Was she adopted or something?" Mi-Sun hears the others talking as her gaze immediately wandered to Eun-Hyuk which took a sharp breath before walking a few steps forward before looking around the crowd.

„Let's call it a day. Good work." he praised all of them as No Byeong-II and Kang Seung-Wan let down the net again in which they were holding Ji-soo in who was looking really pissed and done with all of that.

„I will go back again" Du-Sik told his daughter as he patted her hand. She gave him a little nod and smile before she then started walking to Eun-Hyuk.

„Yah Lee Eun-Hyuk!" she called for the much taller Male which turned immediately around by the sound of Mi-Sun her voice. „Yeah?" he asked as Mi-Sun walked closer to him and crossed her arms. „Why didn't you let me train too, huh? I don't mind staying with my dad but I can do more than that.." she spoke.

„I told you that I don't want to put you in danger..." he said and she rolled her eyes. „Put me in danger? I have scythes with which I literally could cut a monsters head off...I can protect myself-" she started but got cut off.

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