Take a Shower

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            "Randle! Oh, No! NO!" You ran over to him and lifted up his head. Blood soaked your hands. His arm was shot, but since he was laying down the blood covered half his body by now. You saw that Luke's jacket was tightly wrapped around Randle's arm, slowing down the bleeding. Okay that's good.

           "Luke, go get my grandma!"

        "I'm on it!" Luke ran through the small entrance and up the stairs.

        Randle moaned in pain. "(Y/N),"

       "Shhh. You're gonna be okay. I pr-"

      "T-the b-book. G-go g-get the b-book." Blood gushed from his mouth.

          Oh please, no.

       "What are you talking about?" your voice was wavering.

       "This book, sweetie." Your grandmother approached you from behind. Putting a hand on your shoulder, she used you as leverage to kneel down next to Randle, book in hand.

       "You idiot," your grandmother was saying. "Why would you trust that bafoon?!"

  Randle snickered and gave a half grin. "You always find a reason to yell, don't chya?"

       "Oh hush," your grandmother said. She read a couple lines from the book. You couldn't understand what she was saying because it was in another language or something.

       Randle's wound began to glow and then his expression soften. He closed his eyes.

         "Randle!" Madeline was behind you now. 

          "Madeline, he'll be fine. The sash put him to sleep so I can work. Now, go get me some rags and water, honey."

        Madeline raced away.

       "Sash?" You asked.

       "Its like a spell, but better. I'll explain later. Oh, hand me those tweezers, would ya hun?"

       You picked up the object and handed it to her.

       She unwrapped Luke's jacket and dug the tweezers into the wound. Randle didn't react.

      The sound of raw flesh and meat being moved around by the tool made you nauseas.

      "Ah, here you are." She pulled a bullet out and handed it to Luke.

      He cringed, but took it. "Should I go get some gauze?"

      "Yes, please sweetie?"

       Luke rushed away as Madeline returned.

      "Here you go," she handed your grandmother the supplies.

      Your grandmother dropped water into Randle's mouth and then on the cloth. She placed the cloth on his sweaty forehead and wiped his face.

    Luke returned with the gauze. "This is all that I could find," he said and handed it to her. "I also thought you might need this." He handed her peroxide.

      "What a clever boy! You make a great assistent." She smiled and dumped peroxide on the wound. Red bubbles sizzled out of it and ran down Randle's arm. Then, swiftly, she wrapped it with the gauze.

      "Alrighty. He is stable!"

     You all let out sighs of relief and joy.

     "Now where is Bryton? We need to move Randle to the upstair's couch."

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