The Devil Returns

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The covers smelled of Luke's cologne and your sweet sweat. You could feel Luke's hand stroking your back as your eyes fluttered open.

"Morning beautiful," he said. His soft, puffy lips kissed your nose.

"What's shakin' bacon?" You asked and twirled his hair.


"You're nasty."

"No! From training," he said and his face turned red.

"I'm just messing with you," you replied and tapped his nose. His body was so warm against yours and you didn't want to get out into the room's cold atmosphere.

"I didn't finish packing," you reminded yourself.

Luke kissed you and said, "Its only 5:30. You go back to sleep. I'll pack the rest of our stuff." He kissed you again.

As his legs slid out from beneath the blankets a cold draft came in and goosebumps covered your body. You wrapped yourself up in a burrito of sheets, as soon as Luke was out of the bed, and curled into a ball.

Luke laughed at you and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Warmth. Gone. You took it, you monster."

He ran over to your side of the bed and jumped on you. "Umph!" You let out a grunt as he toppled on you.

His lips touched yours and a craving came over you. You were basically eating his face. You just couldn't get enough of him. Your hands ran down his bare back, tickling it.

He smiled. "(Y/N)."


"Can I pack now?"

"Impossible. You got me going now."

He kissed your forehead and walked over to the dresser. You watched him pack a couple things and then dared to get out of bed.

Oh my gosh. The air was freezing.

You quickly threw on clothes you found laying around and freshened up.

After you were done, you sat on the bed to put on your shoes. Luke came over and handed you your bag. "Thank you, good sir."

"Of course ma' lady."

As soon as the clock struck six, Connor stormed into the room. "Get up! Get up I say!"

"We are up, Connor!" Luke shouted.

"Oh.....Come on then! Come on then I say!"

You gave a sigh and followed Connor out of the room with your belongings.

You looked back at Luke. He was staring at the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Um. Well."

"Spit it out."

"There's, um, blood."

You gave him a questioning look.

"On the bed," he said.

Your face burned with embarrassment and without hesitation you dropped everything and ran to the bathroom. Your undies had blood stained on them. No. Why?!?!?!?!??!? The devil has returned once more for its monthly devourment of my hopes and dreams; making me fatter and forcing me to eat like a pig. But worst of all....I don't have any tampons on me.

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