Party Crasher

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Your eyes grew ten times bigger. Oh jeez! What should I say?

Slowly, you made your way off the bed and over to the clothes you picked out. After dressing, you turned around and asked the most important question of the night, "How do I look?"

Luke looked you over. "Words can't even explain," he replied with lovestruck eyes.

Oh gosh.

You were exhilarated and there was no hiding it.

"Sha'll we be on our way then?" You reached out your arm for Luke to link his with it.

He did so and replied, "We sha'll!"

The two of you skipped out of the room, down the stairs, out the door, and to Luke's truck. He ran to the passenger's side and opened the door for you.

"What a gentleman," you said enthusiastically and hopped in the truck.

Luke shut the door and got into the driver's seat. You took an observation of the inside, trying to find the thing you found most comforting and familiar. As you spotted it, you let out a loud, "AH HA!"

"What? What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Luke turned to face you.

You held up a fluffy, blue toy monster. It is usually sitting on the dashboard. "I found it! Why is this on the floor, mister?" You made a silly face. Luke only shook his head and backed the truck out of the driveway. You put the monster back on the dash and then threw your feet up.

"Oh no you don't! No feet on the dash, missy!" Luke tried to bat your feet off, but his arm couldn't reach because of the other's attachment to the wheel.

You laughed and sang,"Can't touch this! Nah nah nah nah!"

He gave a breif, uneasy laugh. Then fixed his eyes on the road again.

Something's wrong.

Ever since the day you met Luke you've been able to tell how he feels, even if he hides it. You never knew why.


His eyes remained on the raod.

"Luke, what's wrong? Please tell me," you insisted. You were stubborn as a mule and Luke knew it. There was no defying the fact that once you wanted something, one way or another, you were going to get it.

Sill keeping his eyes on the road he whispered, "I was just thinking about Summer." Summer was Luke's little sister, who died very young due to lung cancer. Luke named his band after her, Five Seconds of Summer (I know Luke doesn't have a sister named Summer and that's not how they got the band name lol).

Oh no.

You saw a tear glimmer on his cheek. "You remind me of her so much.." he said in a wavering voice.

He's killing my feelings.

You felt a wet substance on your face.

Am I...crying?

Indeed, you were crying. "Luke.." It was silent a moment.

"I loved her with all my heart," he said.

"I know you did. She loved you too." You grabbed his free hand. "You were the best brother she could have ever asked for. You would push her on the swings, hug her, give her piggy back rides," your voice choked up with tears, but you quickly recovered and continued, "No matter what, you were always there for her. She adored you, Luke. I know she did becuase you were all she ever talked about. She would always go on about how brave and kind you are, how you were invincable. And you know what? I believe every word. You are strong. You are brave. You are kind. You are everything she said you are. And Luke....I adore you too."

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