Man Behind The Voice

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"Did you see which way it took her?" Madeline sat across the table with a cup of tea, interrogating Luke.

"No. Why does it matter? Those woods are huge. We will never find her in time and I highly doubt she is even still in there."

Madeline heaved with a sigh. "You're right. We need a quicker way to find her."

"Do you think Bill would've had anything in his office?" Willow chimed in.

"Why would he? He wasn't involved in this....Was he?" Luke put a hand on his chin and thought for a moment.

"It's worth checking out. We are out of options." Madeline stood up and put on her jacket.

"What about Connor?" Willow shot a concerned look at the back room of the motel. It had taken them awhile to get back and Connor was drained of energy. He slept in the back room.

"Bryton can stay here and keep an eye on him. We three will go." Luke said.

"Alright." Willow unsurely put on her jacket.

"Let's go."

The room now felt like a cell. A prison. The walls no longer looked harmless, but cold and hard in your eyes. This cell was nothing more than a cage for a rodent. To the Chasers you were that helpless animal, tucked away in the corner of the cage, heart beating out of its chest, just waiting for the next move. The time would come when the exterminator had to finish the job. No matter how many times Jasper told you that they weren't interested in hurting you, you still wouldn't believe it.

Jasper had left food sitting on the table about a hour ago. You hadn't touched it or even went near it. Anything could be a trick. Your mind checked off all the possibilities: deadly traps set up in the room, posion in the food or water, or even something in the clothing they had changed you into. You wore a long sleeved white shirt and white shorts with tennis shoes.

You though about stripping, but decided that they would probably force you to put the clothes back on anyway. Paranoia was taking over. If you stayed there much longer you would most likely go insane.

The room was getting colder by the minute. Everything was blocked off from light except that from the dim lamp sitting on the table. It seemed like it was always night and you had no clue what day it was or how long you had been there. You hugged your knees close to your chest and buried your face in them. Your warm breath soaked into your icy flesh and it made your body spasm for a split second.

I want to go home.

"I-I want t-to go h-home," you spoke aloud.

An eye-watering bright light exploded into the room. You placed your hand just above your eyes and squinted to see what was going on.

"So you want to go home hu? Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but that won't be happening. Considering you have no home to go back to." A voice filled the room and echoed off the walls, mocking you.

"Go to hell." You said flatly.

"Already got my stay booked," The man said with a chuckle.

"Why do you want them?" You looked up at the camera that eyed your every move. The walls had seperated a bit to reveal a small window with light shining through it. Behind the window was a camera. "You have me. Isn't that want you wanted? So leave them out of this!"

"Oh, we most certaintly wanted you. Your power is very rare. We may never have an opprotunity like this again. To harvest a mind's power? It's not rational! Never in a lifetime would anyone dream that this moment would come. Yet, here you are. You were stupid enough to run into the woods, injure yourself, and didn't even think twice! Unfortunate for you. Unbelievably fortunate for me. Why we want your friends? Well," he gave a light evil laugh that sent chills up your spine,"They are just as important as you."

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