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           You and Luke arrived at the motel early in the morning. The stars were still gleaming in the sky. Luke walked you up to the door and put a finger across his lip. "They are probably still sleeping," he whispered.

   "Why are you telling me? You're the one with elephant feet."

     "Shush." He nipped your lips.

    You smiled and cracked open the door. Creeeek.

      Everyone seemed to be in the same position you left them in. Quietly, you tiptoed past them and into the back bedroom. Luke followed behind. After he entered, you slowly closed the door. 

    Luke flopped himself onto the bed and patted the spot beside him. "One minute," you said. Then scurried into the bathroom. Need to change this bad boy. Luke didn't realize it, but you stole some tampons from the store. Hehe, I'm so naughty.

    The bathroom was tiny and messy. don't think saw any house keepers around.....ew.

    You finished up as fast as you could. When you turned the knob of the sink, brown guck spouted out. Ewies. Nevermind. You waltzed out of the bathroom.

  "Are you quite done?" Luke questioned.

   "Yes. Yes I am."

    You rested down on the bed. A water bed! Yes! Your head fell on his chest and moved up and down with his breathing.


     "Yeah?" His hand fell onto your side and massaged your hip bone.

     "Why do you," you paused and took a deep breath, "Why do me?"

     "Well," he began and situated himself to a sitting position. You sat up and spread your legs over him so that you were sitting on him and your eyes met. He stared at you for a long moment that felt like an eternity. "I can't explain it. I've known you for so long and I have to admit, I've always felt this way about you. My love for you has not changed. I just never had the guts to show it until now. What we have," he grabbed your hands, "only comes once in a life time. You are just so...amazing. Your smile. Your laugh. Your eyes. Everything about you stuns me every single day. It is impossible to get tired of looking at you! ...And you just make me feel, like I'm special. I'm special because I was lucky enough to end up with you in my life."

   Salty tears dripped onto your hands. The warm liquid slipped down onto Luke's thumb. He wiped your tear away with his other hand sensitively.  "And I know that you're scared of love. I know you don't want to believe in it. That's fine. Don't believe in love. Believe in me," he declared with a rough voice.

    You jammed your mouth against his and pulled him into you. His hands ruffed up your hair and stripped you of your clothes. You could not live without him. could not live without love.


       A sudden breeze sent chills up your spine and the hairs on the back of your neck stood. "Luke! Give me some covers!"

    You yanked the sheets away from him and curled yourself up. He reacted by hanging on to a small peice of the blanket and pulling. "Knock it off!" You squealed with laughter and fought for the quilt. He laughed at your struggle. You played tug-of-war for a couple minutes before Connor burst through the door and announced with a French accent, "Breakfast, is served."

    "Do I smell pie?" You asked shocked.

    "YES. Yes you do," he said and slyly left the room.

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