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You ran like your life depended on it. Luke's voice became fainter as you sprinted through brush. He was running after you a couple seconds ago, but once you made a sharp turn around a tree, he lost sight of you and stopped.

You couldn't think. All your body could do was force itself to keep running for as long as possible. Tree branches and jaggers clawed at your face and arms, trying to pull you into their grip.

Eventually your legs became numb and shaky. You fell to the ground and looked at your unsteady hands. Twigs crackled under your knees. Water splashed onto your fingers and ran down into the crevasse of your palm. Rain? Great. You looked up to the sky. No clouds. No rain. Hu? Then you brought your hand up to your cheek and stroked it. A mixture of blood and tears brushed onto your skin. Oh. You were crying the entire time, but didn't even perceive it.

Then you felt an object in your hand. You brought it into your vision. It was the pregnancy test. Might as well do this stupid thing. You pulled it out of the box and read the terms: pee on it; two lines would appear for pregnant and one line for not pregnant. Simple enough.

You looked around cautiously to ensure that no one was around. Then proceeded to unbutton your jeans. You slid them down and then your panties. You squated by a tree and did your business.

"Alright," you whispered to yourself and pulled up your pants.

You winced away from the test, afraid to see the outcome. Finally, you looked.

One line.

Oh thank, God! All that stupid fighting for nothing. I mean, we used protection and I'm on my period. I should've known I wasn't preggers! I haven't had most of the symptons anyway! I just paniced, I guess and jumped to conclusions. Grrr, I'm so stupid! I have to get back to Luke and tell him that everything is okay.

You looked around to find your path and had no freaking clue where you were. There were no footprints to indicate which way you had come from. Broken branches were every which way, so you couldn't go by that. You were completely lost. Where am I? How long was I running? You peered at your coach watch. It read eleven after two. We left the store around quarter to two. Then I took off a couple minutes after that. So, I was running for about 25 minutes! Holly crap. I probably covered a couple miles! Man, I really don't have the energy to make it back or go anywhere at this point. I don't even know where I am at. Then a heart pounding thought entered your mind. What if I never find my way back? Your breathing became harsh and your mind began to panic. What if I die out here? You shook your head and ran your fingers through your hair.

Don't think that way. Positive thoughts, (Y/N). Positive thoughts. Besides, I'm not alone. I have my dad. Nothing can take him away. I'll be fine. Your shoulders heaved with a sigh and you began to relax. It will be getting chilly at dawn. I should gather fire supplies and scrounge up some branches to make tent against this ree. You placed a hand on the tree's bark and pulled some off. That would help your fire get started.

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