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Strawberry blond-Mitski Mitski

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Strawberry blond-Mitski Mitski


    "I don't know where I got it from." It was now lunch time, (y/n) sat across from Shinso, eating the bento Aizawa had made for her "I was simply born with the ability to reflect mind quirks," She stared at the bento in thought.

    "You should be happy to have a quirk like that, no?" Shinso asked, careful to not overstep any boundaries.

  "I...think, it's the reason I'm not very close to my mom..." The boy sighed, looking at the girl's sad attitude. With his chopsticks he grabbed a Tamagoyaki from her bento, and without wasting a second he put it in his mouth.

  "Hey wait! That's mine!" He munched, watching the girl change attitude yet the sad atmosphere still remained.

   "Not anymore" 

   "What was the weird thing that happened to your hair?" Out of nowhere, She quickly tried getting some of his food, but he grabbed her hand smiling down at her. She groaned as he let go of her hand.

   "I still am not sure, but I think my hair converts the users quirk into energy, letting it out by my hair" She smiled at the boy, slowly, without him noticing she brought her chopsticks close to his food, "I think it's a side effect of my quirk" But he caught her stealing attempt in time, slapping her chopsticks away with his own chopsticks.

   "I wish I had your quirk..." He mumbled the last part, which made her laugh.

   "No, you don't" She shook her head, smiling to herself.

   "Why not?" he was caught off guard.

    "You can't forget anything"

    "That doesn't seem bad"

    "No, it does. It gets to a point where your brain gets overcharged. And it tears you apart from the inside out" She took the oportunity, and grabbed a piece of chicken from his plate while he was distracted. "That's why I called myself overload" but alas, he slapped her hand away, the piece of chicken landing on the floor. The girl gasped but continued the conversation. 

   "My quirk is a too great of a burden. And the memories just overload me, and you made me drop my chicken" She mourned.

   "Not my fault you were too slow"

    Out of nowhere she slapped both of her cheeks, starling the boy "Enough sad talk, now angry talk" She said eating the last Tamagoyaki from her bento. "All Might failed me, now I have to do extra work."

  "That must suck, what is it?" 

  "Apparently it's a practice one-on-one battle," she sighed "I begged for a written test but, sadly, this is a tyranny" She wiped a fake tear. He smiled and they stayed a few minutes in silence, until he broke it.

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